June 19th-20th, 2014
Fairmont Hotel, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
The fifth Edition will be held in the modern and interactive format and will include plenary and panel discussions, bilateral meetings, as well as workshops. Traditionally, the event brings together more than 200 participants from over 20 countries.
The Forum represents an efficient platform for interactive discussions between representatives and aims to strengthen the collaborations among national markets in the insurance field. Moreover, top managers of national insurance, reinsurance and brokerage companies from Caucasian Region, Middle Asia, Europe, Turkey, Russia and CIS will attend the event, thus making it an excellent networking opportunity within these selected areas.
Therefore, AIIF offers a great opportunity to exchange experience and set up business meetings, in order to develop partnership relations and to find more about the potential of insurance within the Caucasus countries.- Jurgen BRUCKER, Client Manager, MUNICH Re, Germany - download
- Capitolina TOURBINA, Director of Russia Representative Office, GEN Re - download
Medical Insurance - where is the meeting point between public and private services
- Dr. Marc-Pierre MOLL, Head of Unit Government and Parliament, Association of Private Health Insurance, Germany - download
Reinsurance in and for the Caucasus Region
- Sinisa LOVRINCEVIC, Branch General Manager, TRUST Re, Cyprus - download
- Thierry PELGRIN, Area Manager and Casualty, EVEREST Re, Belgium - download
- Alexandre BICHOT, Deputy Head of Department Foreign Inward Business, MILLI Re,Turkey - download
- Yevgen KUZNYETSOV, Underwriter, HANNOVER Re, Germany - download
- Tural ALIYEV, Member of the Board, PASHA Insurance, Azerbaijan - download
- Elkhan GULIEV, Executive Director, CIB, Azerbaijan - download
- Danijela ZISER, Claims Expert, Vice President, SWISS Re, Germany - download
- Svetlana NYKITINA, Vice-president, RAMI, Russia - download
- Menekse UCAROGLU, President of the Board, Istanbul Underwriting Center - download
Risk Management Workshop
- Razvan TUDOR, Risk Management Expert, Romania - download
- Hansruedi SCHUETTER, Executive Director, Europe, Asia & Middle East, Risk Business International - download
Life Insurance Master Class
- Florina VIZINTEANU, Managing Partner, CREST CM, Romania - download
- Madalina SERBAN, Senior Consultant, CREST CM, Romania - download
Thursday, June 19th
09:00 - 09:30 Registration
09:30 - 09:45 Official Opening
- Samir SHARIFOV, Minister, The Ministry of Finance of The Republic of Azerbaijan
- Ziyad SEMEDZADE, Chairman of the Committee of Economic Policy, Parliament of Azerbaijan
09:45 - 10:30 Main trends on the Azeri insurance market
- 2013 - a moment of review
- New lines of business opportunities: life insurance, non-life insurance, compulsory insurance
- Invesment opportunities in the Caucasus region's insurance field
- Namik KHALILOV, Head of State Insurance Supervision Service, Azerbaijan
- Fuad KULIYEV, Chairman of the Management Board, AzRe, Azerbaijan
- Orkhan BAYRAMOV, Chairman, Azerbaijan Insurers Association
10:30 -11:30 Nat cat: coverage, affordability, efficiency - the right balance
- Solutions to improve the catastrophe insurance
market - International experience on introducing mandatory
insurance systems against catastrophic risks - Cat Risk mitigation solutions adjusted to the region
- Managing catastrophic risks in public-private sector
In the chair:
- Menekse UCAROGLU, President of the Board, Istanbul Underwriting Center
- Jurgen BRUCKER, Client Manager, MUNICH Re, Germany
- Capitolina TOURBINA, Director of Russia Representative Office, GEN Re
11:30 - 12.00 Coffee Break offered by
12:00 - 13:30 Medical Insurance - where is the meeting point between public and private services
- Implementing mandatory medical insurance: current status, future priorities and strategic
targets - Is the public healthcare infrastructure meeting private health service standards?
- Choosing a benchmark: are the international models a solution?
- Dr. Marc-Pierre MOLL, Head of Unit Government and Parliament, Association of Private Health Insurance, Germany
- Thierry PELGRIN, Area Manager and Casualty, EVEREST Re, Belgium
- Shota SVANADZE, Head of Facultative Risks Division, ALDAGI BCI, Georgia
- Florina VIZINTEANU, Managing Partner, CREST CM, Romania
- Paul COSTEA, Business Development Manager, PRODINF Software, Romania
13:30 - 14.30 Business Lunch offered by
14:30 - 16:00 Reinsurance in and for the Caucasus Region
- Reinsurance solutions for the Caucasus Market
- Shaping the reinsurance business on modern standards
- Reinsurance strategies for Caucasus Region
In the chair:
- Fuad KULIYEV, Chairman of the Management Board, AzRe, Azerbaijan
- Tural ALIYEV, Member of the Board, PASHA Insurance, Azerbaijan
- Yevgen KUZNYETSOV, Underwriter, HANNOVER Re, Germany
- Dmitry GARMASH, Head of Moscow Representative Office BARENTS Re, Panama
- Sinisa LOVRINCEVIC, Branch General Manager, TRUST Re, Cyprus
- Thierry PELGRIN, Area Manager and Casualty, EVEREST Re, Belgium
- Alexandre BICHOT, Deputy Head of Department Foreign Inward Business, MILLI Re, Turkey
16:00 - 19:00 Coffee Break offered by
16:00 - 19:00 Bilateral Meetings
20:00 - 23:00 Official Reception offered by
Friday, June 20th
09:30 - 10:00 Registration
10:00 - 19:00 Bilateral Meetings
10:00 - 13:00 Motor Insurance& Claims Handling Workshop
- Overview of the motor insurance market in the Caucasus
region - Technology and intelligence for claims cost optimization
- Cross-border cooperation in motor insurance claims
- Green Card system: is this a necessity for the Caucasus region?
In the chair:
- Elkhan GULIYEV, Executive Director, CIB, Azerbaijan
- Danijela ZISER, Claims Expert, Vice President, SWISS Re, Germany
- Svetlana NYKITINA, Vice-president, RAMI, Russia
- Yaroslav ZHOVNIRENKO, Country Manager, BENISH GPS, Azerbaijan
10:00 - 13:00 Risk Management Workshop
- Risk management in a period of financial instability & geopolitical pressure
- Risk management techniques for energy, gas & oil fields, constructions
- Emerging risks and data management
- Razvan TUDOR, Risk Management Expert, Romania
- Rufat MAHMUD, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Azerbaijan Risk Professionals Association
- Hansruedi SCHUETTER, Executive Director, Europe, Asia & Middle East, RiskBusiness International
10:00 - 12:00 Life Insurance Master Class
- Florina VIZINTEANU, Managing Partner, CREST CM, Romania
- Madalina SERBAN, Senior Consultant, CREST CM, Romania

13:00 - 14:30 Business Lunch offered by

20:00 - 23:00 Traditional Azeri Evening offered by

Strarting 23:45 AfterHours Cocktail offered by

Azerbaijan Insurers Association
Institutions | ||
Ministry of Finance, Azerbaijan | Samir SHARIFOV | Minister |
Azer BAYRAMOV | Deputy Minister | |
Namik KHALILOV | Head of State Insurance Supervision Service | |
Mahir ABDULLAYEV | Head of Department | |
Mushfig ISRAFILOV | Deputy Head of State Insurance Supervision Service | |
Suleyman IBRAHIMOV | Head of Department | |
Tofig MEMTIYEV | Head of Department | |
Zeka MIRZOYEV | Head of department | |
Parliament of Azerbaijan | Ziyad SEMEDZADE | Chairman of the Committee of Economic Policy |
AIA - Azerbaijan Insurers Association | Orkhan BAYRAMOV | Chairman |
Gulnara HUSEYNOVA | Office Manager | |
Vafa RUSTAMOVA | Marketing Specialist | |
Gurban BAGIROV | Lawyer | |
Association of Private Health Insurance, Germany | Marc-Pierre MOLL | Head of Unit Government and Parliament |
ARPA - Azerbaijan Risk Professionals Association | Rufat MAHMUD | Chairman of the Board of Directors |
Nermin GANIYEVA | ~ | |
ASK - National Confederation of Entrepreneurs Organizations, Azerbaijan | Faig SAMADOV | Chief Adviser |
Elnur ALAKBAROV | Head of International Relations & Business Development Department | |
AMFA - Azerbaijan Micro-finance Association | Jhale HAJIYEVA | Executive Director |
BBVB - , Azerbaijan | Aydin BABAYEV | Head of the Analytical Department of the Bank Sector |
Belarusian Association of Insurers | Anton NEDVEDSKIY | External Relations Manager |
CIB - Compulsory Insurance Bureau, Azerbaijan | Elkhan GULIYEV | Executive Director |
Aynur BAYRAMLI | Internal Auditor | |
Nazilya HUSEYNOVA | Head of Administrative & Legal Support Department | |
Fatma MIRIYEVA | Head of Compensation & Subrogation Department | |
Nizami KERIMOV | Head of IT Support Department | |
Insurance Agency of Bosnia & Herzegovina | Samir OMERHODZIC | Director |
NCFM - National Commission for Financial Market, Republic of Moldova | Victor CAPTARI | Member of the Board of Directors |
Felicia MUSTEATA | Development and External Relations Specialist | |
RAMI - Russian Association of Motor Insurers | Svetlana NIKITINA | Vice President |
Insurance, Reinsurance, Brokerage and other companies | ||
ACE Group, Russia | Nikolay DMITRIEV | Regional Manager |
Vadim BULANOV | Head of Property Insurance | |
ALDAGI Insurance, Georgia | Shota SVANADZE | Head of Facultative Risks Department |
ALFA Sigorta, Azerbaijan | Abbas MISKARLI | Director of Insurance & Reinsurance Department |
ALLIANZ, Russia | Dmitry VORONIN | Engineering Insurance Department |
ALWEN Hough Johnson, UK | Irina BRUNDRETT | Broker |
AON Benfield, UK | Maria BOGATYREVA | Executive Director |
AON Benfield, Czech Republic | Alla MYGASHKO | Senior Reinsurance Broker |
A-QROUP Insurance, Azerbaijan | Anar BAYRAMOV | Chairman of the Board |
Ali BAYRAMOV | Deputy Chairman of the Board | |
Natavan MAMMADOVA | Deputy Chairman of the Board | |
ARIG, Bahrain | Abdulla SULTAN | Underwriter, GCC, Levant, CEE & Turkey |
Asian Development Bank, Azerbaijan | Nail VALIYEV | Economics Officer |
AtaInsurance, Azerbaijan | Museib ALIYEV | Chairman of the Executive Board |
Orkhan MAMMADOV | Vice Chairman of the Executive Board | |
Nigar IBRAHIMOVA | Head of Underwriting and Reinsurance Department | |
Ramil ABDULLAYEV | Member of the Board | |
ATESHGAH, Azerbaijan | Talat SAFAROV | Chairman of the Board |
Ruslan ALIYEV | President | |
Intigam HUSEYNOV | Vıcepresident | |
Roman SALKOV | Deputy Chairman of the Board | |
Ughur IBRAHIMLI | Head of Underwritting & Reinsurance Department | |
ATESHGAH Life, Azerbaijan | Akbar MADATLI | Chairman of the Board |
Shafag HASANOVA | ~ | |
AVRASYA Re Broker, Turkey | Nebil HUSEYINI | Executive Vice Chairman |
AXA MBASK, Azerbaijan | Ceyhun GURBANLI | Director of Claims Operations Group |
Seda BORA | CSO | |
Azerbaijan Industry Insurance | Kenan ASKEROV | Director of Underwriting & Reinsurance Department |
Intiqam SEYFULLA | Deputy Chairman of the Board | |
Azerbaijan Insurance Broking | Abulfaz SHIKHI | Director |
AZERSIGORTA, Azerbaijan | Mammad MAMMADOV | Chairman of the Board |
Vugar BABAKISHIYEV | Director of Reinsurance department | |
AZINSURANCE, Azerbaijan | Anar TALIBOV | Chairman of the Board |
Muzafar RASULZADE | Deputy Chairman of the Board | |
Zokhrab SHIRINOV | Deputy Chairman of the Board | |
Maqsud MUSLUMZADE | Head of Insurance & Reinsurance Department | |
Rovshan ASGEROV | Head of Branch Management Department | |
Narmina EFENDIYEVA | Head of Reinsurance Department | |
AzRe, Azerbaijan | Fuad KULIYEV | Chairman of the Management Board |
Vusal ABBASOV | Deputy Chairman of the Management Board | |
Ivan SAMSONOV | Director of Underwriting & Reinsurance Department | |
Takhira ALLAKHVERDIYEVA | Specialist of Underwriting & Reinsurance Department | |
Aleksandrs IVANOVS | Head of Reinsurance Department | |
BAKI Sigorta, Azerbaijan | Ramil AGAYEV | CEO |
Leila HUSEYNLI | Reinsurance Department Director | |
Ramin MAMMADOV | Deputy Chairman of the Board | |
BAR Professions, UK | Marianna CARVER | Senior Business Development Executive |
BELARUS Re, Belarus | Andrey RYCHKO | Head of Domestic Reinsurance Department |
BENISH GPS, Ukraine | Yaroslav ZHOVNIRENKO | Country Manager |
BENISH GPS, Azerbaijan | Ruslan AGRBA | International Business Director |
BROKERS HOUSE, Turkey | Gunduz Ismail TEZEL | CEO |
BUTA Sigorta, Azerbaijan | Kamran BABAYEV | Deputy Chairman of the Board |
CASPIAN International Broking, Azerbaijan | Leyla SAYALIYEVA | Insurance Broker |
Central Hospital of Oil Workers, Azerbaijan | Raud ASADOV | Health Manager |
CINCO Group, Russia | Alexander GUSAROV | General Director |
CREST CM, Romania | Florina VIZINTEANU | Managing Partner |
Madalina SERBAN | Senior Consultant | |
ENERGOGARANT, Russia | Tatiana VANYUKOVA | Deputy Head of Underwriting Division of Reinsurance Department |
Alexander KOLOSOV | Head of Placing Division of Reinsurance Department | |
EURASIA Insurance, Kazakhstan | Nadezhda KIM | Specialist of Underwriting Department |
EUROGROUP Insurance - Reinsurance Broker, Romania | Eugen PRIBOI | Managing Partner |
EVEREST Re, Belgium | Tatiana GARDESTY | Regional Manager Europe & Branch Manager |
Thierry PELGRIN | Area Manager & Casualty | |
FINS.az, Azerbaijan | Ali AKHMEDOV | Chief Editor |
Rahim TARIVERDIYEV | Editor | |
Elchin BAYRAMOV | Editor | |
GEN Re, Russia | Capitolina TOURBINA | Director of Russia Representative Office |
Vladimir IGNASHIN | Account Executive Life/Health | |
GLINSO Insurance Brokers, Russia | Evgeniya SMIRNOVA | CIS Business Department, Director |
GRATEX International, Slovakia | Stanislav VASILKO | Business Development Director |
Adriana ZALOVA | Project Manager | |
HANNOVER Re, Germany | Yevgen KUZNYETSOV | Underwriter |
IBS Broker, Turkey | Murat CIFTCI | General Manager |
INGOSSTRAKH, Russia | Igor ALEKSEEV | Managing Director of Inward Treaty Reinsurance Division |
International Insurance Company, Azerbaijan | Mamed Sadikh MAMMADOV | Chairman of the Board |
Rahim ZAKIYEV | Deputy Chairman of the Board | |
Goshkar SHAKARALIYEV | Director of Insurance & Reinsurance Department | |
IUC - Istanbul Underwriting Center, Turkey | Menekse UCAROGLU | President of the Board |
Ali Kemal YIGIT | Reinsurance Specialist | |
K.M. Dastur, UK | Arun KUMAR | Head of Moscow Representative Office & CIS |
KAMA Re, Russia | Igor ZARIPOV | General Manager |
KAPITAL Re, Russia | Andrey KOZLOV | Director of Reinsurance Division |
LABB, Russia | Tatiana DRAGUNOVA | Director Finance & Legal |
LANCASTER Insurance Broker, Russia | Andrey TVERSKOY | Business Development Director |
LIBERTY Specialty Markets, UAE | Elie BOUCHAAYA | Vice President |
Sean PEARSON | Assistant Vice President | |
MALAKUT Insurance Brokers, UAE | Farid ZEYNALOV | Managing Director - Energy, Marine, Property & Casualty Division |
Gleb RYBUSHKIN | General Manager | |
MAPFRE Re, Germany | Zeljko PANIC | Head of Treaty Business CEE Countries |
MARSH Brokers, Azerbaijan | Ayan MEKHDIYEVA | Vice President |
Gulara YUSIFOVA | Client Service Executive | |
Emil MIRZOYEV | Executive Director | |
Media XPRIMM, Romania | Adriana PANCIU | CEO |
Oleg DORONCEANU | Director, International Relations Department | |
Georgiana OPREA | Customer Relations Director | |
Alina CIOBANU | International Relations Consultant | |
MEQA Sigorta, Azerbaijan | Sevinj GULMALIYEVA | Chairman of the Board |
Emin RZAYEV | Deputy Chairman of the Board | |
Murad BABAYEV | Head of Underwriter & Reinsurance Department | |
Togrul IMANOV | Underwriter & Reinsurace Department Specialist | |
MILLI Re, Turkey | Alexandre BICHOT | Deputy Head of Department Foreign Inward Business |
Esra KULAN | Deputy Head of Department Foreign Inward Business | |
MOSCOW Re, Russia | Pavel MAKSIMOV | Director of Property Risks Department |
Alla CHIRKINA | Director of Sales Department | |
MUNICH Re, Germany | Jurgen BRUCKER | Client Manager |
NART Broker, Turkey | Asli Yenice UNALSIN | Assistant General Manager Corporate Solutions & Reinsurance |
NASCO, Turkey | Aylin YASA | Assistant Director, Turkish Business Abroad |
OAKESHOTT Insurance Consultants, UK | Andrey KOROTKOV | Director - Central Asia |
OIL Insurance, Kazakhstan | Alyona ZEMLYANSKAYA | Head of Reinsurance Department |
PASHA Bank, Azerbaijan | Heydar QASIMOV | Risk Management Department Director |
Melih MENGU | Head of Business Development | |
Zulfiyya ALIYEVA | Relationship Manager Associate Corporate & Investment Banking | |
Anar ABIYEV | Compliance Officer | |
PASHA Insurance, Azerbaijan | Ulviyya JABBAROVA | Chief Executive Officer |
Tural ALIYEV | Member of the Board | |
Farid HIDAYATOV | Underwriting & Reinsurance Manager | |
Eldar ABBASZADEH | Senior Underwrititng Executive | |
Rena MAMMADOVA | Medical Insurance Director | |
PASHA Life Insurance, Azerbaijan | Niyaz ISMAYILOV | Deputy Chairman of the Board |
Eldar VEYSALOV | Head of Insurance & Claims Department | |
Bahruz HAJIYEV | Reinsurance Department Coordinator | |
Togrul YAGUBLU | Reinsurance Department Specialist | |
POLISH Re, Poland | Marcin KOWALSKI | Executive Director |
Malgorzata JAWORSKA | Chief Underwriter | |
PREMIUM Broking House, Lebanon | Georges BITAR | CEO |
PRODINF Software, Romania | Constantin ARSENE | General Manager |
Felix NICULAE | Product Manager | |
Paul COSTEA | Business Development Manager | |
PROMINSTRAKH, Russia | Andrey DOLGOPOLOV | Director of Reinsurance Department |
QALA Life, Azerbaijan | Asgar ALAKBAROV | Chairman of the Management Board |
Tatiana SAVELYEVA | Head of Underwriting & Reinsurance Department | |
Azer ALIZADEH | Head of Sales Department | |
Ulker MAMMADOVA | Head of Marketing & PR Division | |
Elmar HAJIYEV | Sales Department, Agents Network Division | |
QARANT Sigorta, Azerbaijan | Fuad ALLAKHVERDIYEV | Chairman of the Board |
Murad NAMAZOV | Head of Underwritting Department | |
Leyla ABDINOVA | Chief of Underwritting Department | |
REPS Consulting, Turkey | Murat GUVEN | Head of Claims Department |
REUNION AG, Russia | Alexander DRUGOV | Head of Property Insurance Types |
Roksana BOBRIK | Director of Reinsurance Department | |
REVAN Sigorta, Azerbaijan | Farkhad ASLANOV | Deputy Chairman, Management Board |
Samir MAMMADOV | Management Board Member | |
RFIB Group, Kazakhstan | Galina PAKHOMOVA | Head of Representative |
RFIB Group, UK | Peter TALBOT | Director |
Olena JONES | Broker | |
RUSSIAN Re, Russia | Andrey POLYAKOV | General Manager |
SAVA Re, Slovenia | Alexander BARSUKOV | Senior Undewriter |
SCOR, Russia | Natalia TARASOVA | Managing Director of Life Reinsurance Russia & CIS |
Lilia GUETTAF | Market Manager | |
SEAPORT Protection, Germany | Michael KAHF | Regional Managing Director |
SILK Way Insurance, Azerbaijan | Niyazi IMANOV | Chairman of the Board |
Kamala ABISHOVA | Head of Insurance Department | |
SKALA Insurance Broker, Russia | Svetlana TSEKALO | Deputy General Manager |
Alexandra DYUKOVA | Head of Property Reinsurance | |
SOCAR, Azerbaijan | Kamal DADASHOV | Head of economic indicators and financial modeling division |
Societe de Courtage Re, Azerbaijan | Mammadali HUSEYNOV | Director |
Khazar TAGHIYEV | Insurance & Reinsurance Specialist | |
Andrey FEDOROV | Deputy Director | |
Andrey ZAGURSKY | Executive Director | |
SOGAZ Insurance, Russia | Igor KARPOVICH | Head of Foreign Reinsurance Development |
Tatyana DAKHNOVA | Head of Incoming Facultative Reinsurance Department | |
STANDARD Insurance, Azerbaijan | Aydin RAHMANOV | Chairman of the Board |
Oksana MARINCHENKO | Head of Underwriting and Reinsurance Department | |
Eltun KHALILOV | Chief Specialist of Motor Insurance Division | |
Jamil BABAYEV | ~ | |
Farid MALIKOV | ~ | |
Anar HALAFOV | ~ | |
Yuliya MILEVSKAYA | Head of Reinsurance Divison of Underwriting and Reinsurance Department | |
SWISS Re, Germany | Danijela ZISER | Vice President |
TRANS Re, Poland | Krzysztof KOPERSKI | Territorial Manager |
TRANSSIB Re, Russia | Dmitry KLYAGIN | European Bureau Branch Director |
TRUST Re, Cyprus | Sinisa LOVRINCEVIC | Branch General Manager |
TURKER Broker, UAE | Tural GASIMOV | Managing Director |
WILLIS, UK | Simon Aubrey JONES | Director, Representative Office |
Sabire Aysen OKAR | Executive Director | |
XALQ Sigorta, Azerbaijan | Roman GURBANOV | Chairman of the Board |
Mekhriban MAMMADOVA | Head of Reinsurance Department | |
Emin TAGHIROV | Head of Sales Department | |
~ | Razvan TUDOR | Risk Management Specialist |
Elnur SULEYMANOV | ~ |
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Organizers | |
![]() Azerbaijan Insurers Association | ![]() Ministry of Finance of the Azerbaijan Republic |
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Partners | |
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General Media Partner Russia | General Media Partner Azerbaijan |
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