

Location map
author: OCHA/ ReliefWeb

- Southeastern Europe, bordering the Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea;
- Neighbours: Greece, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia.

- mild temperate; - cool, cloudy, wet winters;
- hot, clear, dry summers;
- interior is cooler and wetter.

Natural hazards:
- destructive earthquakes;
- tsunamis occur along southwestern coast;
- floods;
- drought.

Macro indicators
* 2018 estimates
Pop. density*:99.8people/km2
GDP*:13.4EUR billion

European Union:
Official candidate

Currency: Lek
Code: ALL
Since: 1926

Insurance market portfolio
* 2018 estimates
Overall Property*:12%
Overall Motor*:68%




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ALBANIA: 40% of vehicles without insurance

Nearly 40 percent, or more than 100.000 vehicles circulating in Albania's roads have no car insurance at all, according to the data unveiled by country's finance authorities.

ALBANIAN market totaled EUR 15 million at the end of March

At the end of March, 2013, the Albanian insurance market totaled ALL 2,085 million (EUR 14.9 million), or 11.96% more compared with the same of period last year, according to the figures published by the Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority (AFSA).

ALBANIAN insurers FY2012 GWP up 7.4% y-o-y

Albanian insurance companies posted combined gross written premiums of ALL 8.9 billion (EUR 64 million) at the end of 2012, or 7.38% more y-o-y, according to the financial data published by the Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA). Despite this increase, during FY2012, the number of signed insurance contracts was 1,057,821 or 19% less compared with year 2011.

ALBANIA: Independence of the financial regulators under debate

"Regulator independence is a necessity for achieving and consolidating market development. A transparent and stable environment promotes consumer confidence and encourages free and fair competition among all market participants", stated Enkeleda SHEHI, Chairperson of the Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority in her opening speech to the international conference organized by AFSA under the title "Independence of the Financial Sector Regulators: Reemphasized".

ALBANIA 3Q2012: GWP went down by 0.2% y-o-y

During January-September 2012, the Albanian insurance market experienced a decrease of 0.18% to ALL 6.52 billion, according to data provided by the Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority. In European currency, due to the appreciation of ALL in relation to EUR, the local insurance market reported a 0.36% increase to EUR 46.50 million.

ALBANIA: Insurance companies pay fewer damages to citizens compared to the cashed premiums

Insurance companies pay fewer damages to citizens compared to the cashed premiums. The instant payment of the damage is 36 percent of the total of premiums that insurance companies benefit. Mati Pepa, deputy director of the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) in an interview for AS, explains the premium-damage ratio in the insurance market.

ALBANIAN's insurance market falls 5.6% y/y in 1H

The insurance premium revenues for the period January-June 2012 were about ALL 4.07 billion (EUR 29.5 million), or 5.56% less in local currency as compared to the same period last year, announced the Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority. During this reporting period, the number of concluded insurance contracts was 469,449 or 25.40% less, compared to the similar period of 2011.

ALBANIA, 1Q2012: GWP falls 15.7%

Albanian insurers' premiums revenues for the period January-March 2012 were about ALL 1.88 billion (EUR 13.41 million), or 15.74% less than January-March 2011, according to Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority (AFSA). "The major impact in this decrease of total gross written premium had compulsory motor insurance Green Card and accidents, with about 83% of the total decrease", showed an AFSA press release.

ALBANIA: Auto Insurance Rates to Undergo Reform

Auto insurance rates in Albania will undergo reform in upcoming months and they will be depending on factors related to the degree of vulnerability for an accident, Top Channel reported on Tuesday referring to Albania's Financial Supervisory Authority.

ALBANIA: Car Registration Procedures Made Easier

Albania's Ministry of Transportation has facilitated the procedures for registering a motor vehicle in the country, local media reports. The only required documents now are the ownership certificate and the ID card. The law took effect on February 13, 2012.

ALBANIA, FY2011: GWP over the EUR 60 million threshold

Albania's insurance market grew in local currency 2.3% in 2011 compared to the previous year (excluding reinsurance written premiums), according to data published by Albania's Financial Supervisory Authority (AFSA). In European currency, insurance premium revenues were about EUR 60.01 million. At the same time, the number of insurance contracts was of 1,306,602, up by 77.5% compared with year 2010.

ALBANIA: Insurance Market Registered Modest Growth in 2011

The total insurance premium volume in Albania rose slightly to 7.7 billion ALL in the period January - November 2011 registering an increase of 5.3% compared to the same period a year ago, Tv Scan reported on Monday.

ALBANIA: Insurance Companies in Albania Paid Out Less in Claims in 2011

The total insurance premium volume rose slightly to 7.1 billion ALL in the period January - October 2011, up 4.5% compared to the same period in 2010. The liberalization of tariffs regarding the compulsory vehicle insurance has contributed to the sluggish growth of the Albanian insurance market.