BULGARIA: at the end of June, the assets of the insurance sector rise to EUR 5.5 billion

18 September 2024 — Marina MAGNAVAL
At the end of June, 2024, the assets managed by insurance companies operating in Bulgaria reached BGN10.82 billion (EUR 5.5 billion), which indicates a 6% increase y-o-y, SeeNews reports referring to the Central Bank’s statement.

According to the Bulgarian National Bank, the assets rose by 0.7% compared to the end of March.

The assets of non-life insurers grew by 2.8% y-o-y to BGN 7.63 billion, which represents a share of 70.5% of total insurance assets. While the assets of life insurers climbed by 14.6% to BGN 3.19 billion, making up 29.5% of overall assets.

Securities other than shares accounted for 47.7% of all insurance companies' assets at the end of June (vs 45.9% a year earlier). Shares and other equity took up 25.7% (vs 22.2% in the same period of 2023), and the share of receivables from insurance operations dropped by 4.4 p.p. to 7.2%, the source writes.

*EUR 1 = BGN 1.95583