According to the Association of Insurance Companies of Greece (EAEE) premium growth during the period was at 8.7% and amounted to EUR 4.7 billion with life insurance increasing by 5.1% and non-life - by 12.3%. About EUR 2.2 billion was generated by life insurance classes and EUR 2.4 billion – by non-life ones.
In particular, the increases recorded from November 2022 to November 2023 are:
Investment life insurance: + EUR 132.1 million
Health insurance: + EUR 95 million
Fire insurance: + EUR 50 million
Management of collective pension funds: + EUR 32.6 million
Vehicle insurance: + EUR 36.4 million
Vehicle liability insurance: + EUR 16 million
While reductions were recorded in:
Life insurance: - EUR 45 million
Accident insurance: - EUR 5.7 million
The Association of Insurance Companies of Greece is a professional association with a history of 115 years. 44 members in total represent over 95% of the premiums generated in the Greek market.