Generali BoD approves the new composition of the Board Committees

7 February 2022 —
Last week, the Italian insurer Generali informed its Board of Directors (BoD) approved changes to the membership of the Board Committees.

The new composition, also following the resignation of the Paolo Di Benedetto from the Related-Party Transactions Committee, is as follows:

Risk and Control Committee

Chair: Alberta FIGARI (independent); members: Ines MAZZILLI (independent); Roberto PEROTTI (independent); Clemente REBECCHINI.

Remuneration and Appointments Committee

Chair: Diva MORIANI (independent, and also member for "ad hoc" Remuneration and Appointments); members: Alberta FIGARI (independent, and also member for "ad hoc" Remuneration and Appointments); Ines MAZZILLI (independent, and member for "ad hoc" Appointments); Lorenzo PELLICIOLI (member also for Remuneration); Roberto PEROTTI (independent, and also member for "ad hoc" Appointments).

Corporate Governance, Social and Environmental Sustainability Committee

Chair: Gabriele GALATERI di GENOLA; members: Paolo Di BENEDETTO (independent); Antonella MEI-POCHTLER (independent); Clemente REBECCHINI.

Investments Committee

Chair: Philippe DONNET; Members: Paolo Di BENEDETTO (independent); GABRIELE GALATERI di GENOLA; Lorenzo PELLICIOLI; Roberto PEROTTI (independent); Clemente REBECCHINI.

Related-Party Transactions Committee

Members: Alberta FIGARI (independent); Ines MAZZILLI (independent); Antonella MEI-POCHTLER (independent); Diva MORIANI (independent).

Strategic Operations Committee

Chair: Philippe DONNET; members: Antonella MEI-POCHTLER (independent); Diva MORIANI (independent); Lorenzo PELLICIOLI; Clemente REBECCHINI.