The new composition, also following the resignation of the Paolo Di Benedetto from the Related-Party Transactions Committee, is as follows:
Risk and Control Committee
Chair: Alberta FIGARI (independent); members: Ines MAZZILLI (independent); Roberto PEROTTI (independent); Clemente REBECCHINI.
Remuneration and Appointments Committee
Chair: Diva MORIANI (independent, and also member for "ad hoc" Remuneration and Appointments); members: Alberta FIGARI (independent, and also member for "ad hoc" Remuneration and Appointments); Ines MAZZILLI (independent, and member for "ad hoc" Appointments); Lorenzo PELLICIOLI (member also for Remuneration); Roberto PEROTTI (independent, and also member for "ad hoc" Appointments).
Corporate Governance, Social and Environmental Sustainability Committee
Chair: Gabriele GALATERI di GENOLA; members: Paolo Di BENEDETTO (independent); Antonella MEI-POCHTLER (independent); Clemente REBECCHINI.
Investments Committee
Chair: Philippe DONNET; Members: Paolo Di BENEDETTO (independent); GABRIELE GALATERI di GENOLA; Lorenzo PELLICIOLI; Roberto PEROTTI (independent); Clemente REBECCHINI.
Related-Party Transactions Committee
Members: Alberta FIGARI (independent); Ines MAZZILLI (independent); Antonella MEI-POCHTLER (independent); Diva MORIANI (independent).
Strategic Operations Committee
Chair: Philippe DONNET; members: Antonella MEI-POCHTLER (independent); Diva MORIANI (independent); Lorenzo PELLICIOLI; Clemente REBECCHINI.