INGOSSTRAKH Insurance has traditionally held the leading position in the market of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2018

21 March 2019 —
Based on 2018 results, the total GWP of INGOSSTRAKH Insurance Company under direct insurance agreements amounted to KGS 423,5 million, which in total market GWP, generated by 16 insurance companies of the Kyrgyz Republic, is equal to 40,9%.

* Indicated GWP under direct insurance only (without premiums of inward reinsurance).

In the reporting period the company concluded 8,900 insurance contracts for compulsory and voluntary insurance for an insured amount of KGS 667.4 billion, of which:
  • under personal insurance - KGS 28.1 billion;
  • under property insurance - KGS 480.7 billion;
  • under liability insurance - KGS 134.8 billion;
  • under compulsory insurance - KGS 23.8 billion.
Meeting the obligations to clients confirms the company's high solvency, its effective risk reinsurance system and competent management.

The level of protection of the insurance portfolio by ceding risks for reinsurance, in order to provide solvency and financial stability of the company, amounted to 78.7%, of which over 97.4% were ceded for reinsurance to foreign re/insurance companies, having the highest credit and solvency ratings.

INGOSSTRAKH, reinsurance


timely fulfils its obligations to the clients. Thus, in 2018 the company's paid claims under insurance agreements amounted to KGS14.7 million.

The paid claims' structure is as follows:
  • under property insurance: KGS 8.9 million;
  • under personal insurance: KGS 3 million;
  • under liability insurance: KGS 2.8 million.


INGOSSTRAKH Insurance Company is keeping an active position in the development of the local insurance market. Thus, in 2018 the company paid KGS 38.6 million of taxes to the state budget.

*EUR 1 = KGS 80.0446 (31.12.2018)