The payout ratio on the voluntary motor insurance market has increased significantly over the year: from 18.7% in January-August 2023 to 27.8% in January-August 2024. However, despite the growth, it is still less than in the same periods of 2021 (29.1%) and 2022 (31.3%).
The share of Motor Hull in voluntary property insurance premiums has grown significantly over the past two years. In January-August 2022, the share of this segment was 13.1%, in 2023 it increased to 22.8%, and in 2024 it decreased to 19.3%.
In January-August 2024, the share of Motor Hull on the insurance market of Kazakhstan was 6.3%, while a year earlier it reached 9.7%.
It is noted that the number of road accidents over the year almost doubled, to 15.9 thousand in January-August 2024. The most common types of accidents were pedestrian knockdowns (5.8 thousand), head-on collisions (5 thousand) and vehicle rollovers (1.1 thousand), the source added.
*EUR 1 = KZT 530.69 (as of August 31, 2024)