MOLDOVA: gouble digit increase of the average premiums and claims value for the MTPL segment

30 March 2023 — Daniela GHETU
Motor insurers operating in the Republic of Moldova reported an increase of 24.3% in the MTPL insurance GWP , while for the Green Card segment premiums went up by 52.7% y-o-y, according to data provided by CNPF - the market authority.

According to the same source, the strong positive trend recorded on both the mandatory MTPL insurance line was driven mostly by the growing number of insurance contracts concluded (+ 5.6% for domestic MTPL and +31.2% for Green Card insurance).

The average premium for mandatory MTPL insurance reached MDL 1,005, going up by 17.7% y-o-y, while the average claim value increased by 11.8%, to MDL 16,662. For Green Card insurance, the average premium was MDL 1,195, while the average claim reached MDL 69,202, both increasing, respectively, by 16.3% and 25.8%.

Exchange rate 1 EUR = 20.3792 Lei - MDL (December 31st, 2022)