It should be noted that the market's focus on non-life insurance is increasing - its share exceeded 95%, while life insurance dropped to 4.75% in the market GWP portfolio.
The biggest GWP portion (MDL 943.83 million) is generated in motor insurance, where MTPL increased by almost 27% y-o-y as well as Motor Hull, and the increase under Green Card policies exceeded 54%. Of the key non-life segments the most impressive growth was recorded by health insurance - more than 83% compared to the same period in 2020.
Total market paid claims increased by only 6.53%, at the same time, some non-life classes recorded a decrease y-o-y, such as insurance of damages to property, Green Card, financial loss insurance, etc.
Out of 10 active insurers, the overall market ranking is topped by ASTERRA GRUP with a share of almost 18%. GRAWE CARAT ASIGURARI moved down to the second place, while GENERAL ASIGURARI keeps its third position.
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