STATISTICS: UKRAINE, 1Q2022: the market contracted by 19% y-o-y (in local currency)

7 September 2022 —
STATISTICS:  UKRAINE, 1Q2022: the market contracted by 19% y-o-y (in local currency)
The insurance sector of Ukraine ended the first quarter of 2022 with a decrease of 19% y-o-y, total GWP amounted to UAH 9.52 billion (EUR 292.15 million). The decline was recorded by both non-life insurance (more than 21%) and life insurance (by almost 3%), as shown by data published by the National Bank of Ukraine.

GWP decline was observed in almost all classes of insurance, except for MTPL and Green Card policies, where there was a slight increase (+2.49%), and liability insurance.

It is worth noting that the shares of non-life and life insurance in the total market portfolio changed slightly - non-life insurance decreased to 86%, while life insurance increased to almost 14% of the total volume.

Insurers' paid claims in the first quarter also decreased by 26% to UAH 3.15 billion. Non-life insurance paid claims declined the most, by almost 27%, while life insurance paid claims fell by about 6%.

Access and download the latest statistics of the Ukrainian insurance market for 1Q2022.