On the life insurance segment (EUR 82.4 million, about 23% of total market), the unit-linked sub-class was the largest (EUR 31.9 million), followed by pension insurance (EUR 18.9 million) and endowment policies (EUR 15.2 million). Overall, the life insurance sector reported a 3.6% increase in GWP.
Of all five life insurers, Estonia's market leader in life insurance was SWEDBANK Life Insurance SE (40.2% market share), followed by SEB Elu- ja Pensionikindlustuse AS (25%) and COMPENSA Life VIG SE (19.4%).
In the case of non-life insurance market, the GWP amounted to EUR 278.8 million (77% of total), 6.7% more y-o-y. In terms of GWP, the largest share in total market were reported for the following sub-classes: Motor Hull (GWP of EUR 95.6 million, 26.5% of total market), property insurance (EUR 73.5 million, 20.3%) and MTPL (EUR 71 million, 19.7%).
At the end of 2015, the country's leading player in the non-life segment was If P&C Insurance AS (GWP of EUR 74.7 million), followed by ERGO Insurance SE (EUR 46 million) and SWEDBANK P&C Insurance AS - EUR 42.7 million.
Access www.xprimm.com and download the FY2015 Estonian insurance market.
Market portfolio:
- Gross written premiums
- Paid claims
- Growth rates
- Gross written premiums
- Paid claims
- Market shares
- Growth rates