STATISTICS: GWP in ESTONIA's insurance market up 6.3% in H1

25 August 2016 — Vlad BOLDIJAR
Estonian insurers reported H1 GWP of EUR 190 million, 6.3% more compared with January-June 2015, according to the market figures published by the Estonian National Statistics Board. At the same time, the value of paid claims increased by 13.7% y-o-y, to EUR 112 million.

In terms of GWP, the life segment was down by 2.5% to EUR 40.5 million (21.4% of the total market), due the 22% decrease reported by the unit-linked sub segment.

The GWP of Estonian general insurers totaled EUR 149 million, 9% more y-o-y, amid the increases reported across all main subclasses: motor hull (7%), property insurance (10.3%) or Motor TPL (11.2%).

Among the five life insurers, the market leader as GWP is SWEDBANK Life Insurance SE (38.6% market share), while If P&C Insurance AS (24%) lead the Estonia's general insurance segment.

Important note:

The figures published by the Estonian National Statistics Board reflect the performance of Estonian insurers and other EU branches - for the insured risks only in Estonia.

The FSA figures reflects the performance of the insurers registered in Estonia - including their cross- border business.

Access and download the 1H2016 Estonian insurance market.

Market portfolio:
  • Gross written premiums
  • Paid claims
  • Growth rates
Life and non-life rankings:
  • Gross written premiums
  • Paid claims
  • Market shares
  • Growth rates