STATISTICS: SLOVAK Q3 insurance market net profit almost halved to ~EUR 63 million

9 January 2020 —
STATISTICS: SLOVAK Q3 insurance market net profit almost halved to ~EUR 63 million
In the first three quarters of 2019, the Slovak insurance market totaled EUR 1.71 billion, 2.50% more y-o-y, according to the quarterly financial figures published by the National Bank of Slovakia (NBS). Life and non-life paid claims and indemnities increased by 6% to EUR 1.05 billion, of which about 46% were related to non-life sub-classes.

The life insurance segment experienced a GWP increase of 2% y-o-y to EUR 754 million, this type of policies generating 44% of the total insurance market, while the non-life classes accounted for EUR 960 million (or 56% of total GWP), 2.9% more y-o-y.

According to the presented statistics, the profits of insurance companies operating in Slovakia amounted to EUR 63.21 million at the end of September 2019, which was a 47.4% drop compared to September 2018 (EUR 120.07 million).

Access and download the 3Q 2019 Slovak insurance market statistics.