STATISTICS: Slovak FY2021 insurers' business decreased to EUR 2.15 bn, NBS figures reveal

30 March 2022 —
STATISTICS: Slovak FY2021 insurers' business decreased to EUR 2.15 bn, NBS figures reveal
At the end of December 2021, the Slovak insurance market totaled EUR 2.15 billion, 3.34% less y-o-y, according to the FY2021 statistics published by the National Bank of Slovakia (NBS).

In GWP terms, the life insurance segment was down by 2.56% y-o-y to EUR 911.73 million, these types of policies generating 42.42% of the total insurance market, while the non-life classes accounted for EUR 1.23 billion (or 57.58% of total GWP), down by 3.92% y-o-y.

Overall, the value of paid claims by local insurers decreased by 7.80% y-o-y to EUR 1.16 billion, of which EUR 627.48 million related to life indemnities, EUR 214.57 million - Motor TPL claims, EUR 188.89 million- MoD payments, EUR 84.21 million - payments on Fire and other damages to property policies.

In mid-February, the year-end preliminary statistics published by SLASPO (Slovak Insurance Association) revealed that the FY 2021 GWP from the members of the association totaled EUR 2.48 billion, up by 2.44% y-o-y. Premiums written in life insurance decreased by 0.8% y-o-y to EUR 1.05 billion, while non-life segment was up by 4.9% y-o-y to EUR 1.43 billion.

Access and download the FY2021 Slovak insurance market statistics.