STATISTICS: Slovenian insurers’ business expanded to EUR 825 million

17 August 2023 — Andrei VICTOR
STATISTICS: Slovenian insurers’ business expanded to EUR 825 million

The Slovenian insurance market totaled EUR 825.3 billion at the end of March 2023, an 8.3% increase y-o-y, according to the Slovenian Insurance Association's quarterly figures. Life insurance GWP posted a negative subunit rate of -0.2% y-o-y to EUR 197.3 million, while the general insurance segment increased by 11.2% y-o-y to EUR 628 million - or 76.1% of total GWP.

In terms of paid claims, the aggregate value was EUR 506 million, of which about EUR 141.6 million - life indemnities, EUR 172 million - payments related to health insurance contracts, EUR 122 million - motor classes payments (MTPL and MoD, summed), and about EUR 35.5 million - property claims.

Slovenia's largest insurers in terms of GWP were Zavarovalnica TRIGLAV with a 30.6% market share (EUR 252.7million), followed by Zavarovalnica Sava (18.8% market share, EUR 155 million) and GENERALI zavarovalnica (16.2% market share, EUR 133.7 million).

Access and download Q12023 Slovenian insurance market statistics.