Talanx Group posted Q1 net income of EUR 572 million while the dividend increased to EUR 2.35 per share

14 May 2024 — Andrei VICTOR
German insurance group Talanx AG informed that its General Meeting approved all resolutions proposed by the Board of Management and Supervisory Board, including the proposal on the appropriation of the distributable profit, by a very large majority. Thus, shareholders voted to increase the dividend per share by 35 cents (roughly 18 percent) to EUR 2.35.

This means the Talanx Group’s dividend has risen by 75 cents from EUR 1.60 over the past two years, an increase of 47%. "Talanx has either lifted its dividend or at the least kept it stable every year since the Company went public. The dividend yield is 4.4 percent, based on the average share price in 2023 of EUR 53.45. The goal is to distribute a dividend of EUR 2.50 for financial year 2024, assuming that business goes according to plan".

“This demonstrates the high quality of our earnings. What is more, we have made a strong start to the year in 2024, lifting our quarterly net income by 35 percent year-on-year to EUR 572 million. This has increased our confidence that we can clearly exceed our Group net income target of more than EUR 1.7 billion", said Torsten Leue, Chairman of Talanx AG’s Board of Management.

Talanx AG’s next General Meeting is scheduled to take place on 8 May 2025.