The latest issues of XPRIMM Insurance Report, Insurance Profile and PRIMM - Insurance&Pensions Magazine, launched at FIAR 2019

20 May 2019 —
Three new XPRIMM Publications were officially launched at FIAR - The International Insurance-Reinsurance Forum 2019.

Thus, the latest issue of XPRIMM Insurance Report, the bi-annual specialized magazine which includes the statistical overview of more than 30 insurance markets of the CEE, SEE and CIS regions, was officially launched at the event.

The magazine includes the full year insurance results, as well as updated statistical data, for the countries in the Central and East European countries, the South-Eastern region, and the Commonwealth of the Independent States.

The CEE insurance market grew by 2.2% y-o-y in 2018, reaching a total GWP volume of EUR 36.9 billion. At the same time, CEE insurers paid benefits and indemnities worth EUR 22.44 billion, 2.37% up y-o-y. Poland, the region's flagship market, was also the only one recording a negative change in GWP, which made it diminish its share in the region's GWP to 39.2%, from 41.4% in 2017. The detailed analysis of the regional trends can be read in "XPRIMM Insurance Report CEE, SEE & CIS - FY2018".

The results reported by the Romanian insurance market in 2018 are available in the latest issue of XPRIMM Insurance Profile Romania - the bi-lingual magazine focusing on the financial results and trends reported on the Romanian insurance market.

Last by not last, the May issue of PRIMM - Insurance&Pensions Magazine, the Romanian magazine dedicated to the local insurance market, which including interviews, as well as specialized articles dedicated to the re/insurance sector and related domains, was officially launched during FIAR 2019.