UKRAINE: The amount of MTIBU payments from the Victim Protection Fund in 2023 increased by 42%

23 January 2024 — Marina MAGNAVAL
In 2023, MTIBU (Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine) made 7,524 payments from the Victim Protection Fund for a total of UAH 436.8 million (~EUR 10.37 million). The number of regulatory payments increased by 30% y-o-y, and the amount increased by 42.5%, Forinsurer reports.

The most important item of regulatory payments is payments for damage caused by owners of uninsured vehicles (who caused an accident without an MTPL policy). In 2023, such payments accounted for 68.2% of the total amount (vs 64.5% in 2022). The number of such payments reached 4.7 thousand (+31.5%), while the amount was UAH 298.1 million (+45.7%). In 2022, the Bureau made 3.2 thousand such payments for UAH 161.7 million.

“MTIBU made more payments from the Victim Protection Fund to insured persons injured in accidents, caused by drivers without valid MTPL policies. It is important to note that the Bureau does not leave those responsible for road accidents unpunished but comes up with regressive claims against these people and in court forces them to compensate for all expenses incurred. Reducing the level of uninsured vehicles is a priority for MTIBU for 2024”, commented MTIBU General Director Oleksandr Bernazyuk.

The second significant item is payments for drivers of preferential categories (combatants, disabled people). In 2023, the number of such payments reached 1.2 thousand, the amount was UAH 79.8 million. Compared to 2022, the number of payments increased by 29.4%, the amount increased by 46.1%. The share of payments for drivers of preferential categories is 18.2% of the total amount of payments from the MTIBU Victim Protection Fund.

*EUR 1 = UAH 42.12 (31.12.2023)