GWP of the life insurer ARX Life reached UAH 192.7 million (~EUR 6.25 million), which is 23% y-o-y. The company's paid claims amounted to UAH 37.4 million. It is noted that the company has been demonstrating sustainable dynamic growth for the second year in a row.
The profit of both companies for 9 months of 2021 amounted to UAH 200 million.
ARX has been the Ukrainian leader in the Motor Hull market for 12 years - this type of insurance dominates the company's portfolio (59%). According to the results of 9 months of 2021, the insurer's Motor Hull GWP exceeded UAH 1.4 billion (+32.7%), and paid claims amounted to more than UAH 664 million. The company's MTPL GWP increased to UAH 38.8 million (+29.7%).
ARX is one of the top 5 market leaders in voluntary health insurance and continues to actively increase its share in the portfolio. During the period ARX has collected over UAH 379 million of premiums (+32.5%) in health insurance and paid over UAH 140 million to clients.
The company continues to lead in property insurance. For 9 months of 2021, ARX collected UAH 288.5 million in this segment, which is 23.5% more than a year ago, while paid claims exceeded UAH 27 million.
*at the following exchange rate:
1 EUR = 30.8231 UAH (01.10.2021)