UKRAINE: in January-May 2024, MTPL market rises 25.8%

2 July 2024 — Marina MAGNAVAL
In January-May 2024, Ukrainian insurance companies increased MTPL GWP by 25.8% to UAH 3.8 billion (~EUR 86.36 million), while at the same time, premiums on e-policies increased by 39.6% to UAH 3 billion, Forinsurer reports with reference to the МTIBU (Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine).

In the first 5 months of the year, insurers concluded almost 3 million MTPL contracts, which is 4.6% more y-o-y. At the same time, 2.226 million contracts (+18.4%) were concluded electronically.

Total paid claims increased by 29.23% to UAH 1.98 billion. MTIBU recorded a 17% increase in the number of settled claims, the source added.

*EUR 1 = UAH 44.00 (as of May 31, 2024)