Baden-Baden XPRIMM Reception: Who were the winners of the XPRIMM Insurance Awards?
by Mihaela CIRCU, 2018-10-19
On Sunday, 21 October, insurers and reinsurers from all over the world met at the 10th edition of the Baden-Baden XPRIMM Reception, the traditional event organized by XPRIMM during the Baden-Baden Meetings in Germany.
Re/insurance specialists gathered this Sunday in Germany at the Baden-Baden XPRIMM Reception
by Mihaela CIRCU, 2018-10-19
Already on its 10th edition, the Baden - Baden XPRIMM Reception, the
traditional event organized by XPRIMM during the Baden-Baden Meetings, took place on Sunday, 21 October, at Kurhaus Casino, gathering
re/insurance specialists from all over the world.
NASH, Guy Carpenter: The current pressure on returns is a stimulus for consolidation
by team, 2018-10-22
Current market conditions are putting increasing pressure on returns with some companies viewing consolidation as a potential solution, James NASH, CEO of International at Guy Carpenter said in his opening remarks at the Baden-Baden 2018 Reinsurance Meeting hosted by the global risk and reinsurance specialist.
Munich Re: Demand for cyber insurance growing rapidly; customers need more than just insurance
by team, 2018-10-22
The market volume for cyber insurance is expected to grow up to USD 8-9 billion by 2020, Doris HOEPKE, member of Munich Re's Board of Management stressed in Baden Baden adding that, "The demand for cyber risk cover is growing continuously. We therefore see it as our duty to develop solutions."
HOEPKE, Munich Re: I expect at least a stable renewal round in 2019
by team, 2018-10-22
After severe storm damage in Japan and the United States, Munich Re is looking with a little more optimism to the next renewal season. "I expect at least a stable renewal round in 2019," Board member Doris HOEPKE said in Baden-Baden. Until recently the reinsurer's expectations were leaning towards a stagnant season.
Alternative capital, InsurTech, and the digital revolution are the M&A drivers of the reinsurance world
by team, 2018-10-22
"You don't have to be big to be beautifully relevant or financially successful, but you do have to be focused," Pina ALBO, Group CEO of Hamilton Insurance Group said, addressing the question of whether bigger is necessarily better at the Reinsurance Symposium in Baden-Baden.
Swiss Re expects the reinsurance industry to further consolidate
by team, 2018-10-22
Swiss Re expects the global reinsurance industry to consolidate as the distinction between insurers and reinsurers become increasingly blurred, an executive from the Swiss Group said in Baden Baden, reports Reuters.
Hannover Re expects modestly higher premiums and stable conditions for its German business
by team, 2018-10-22
E+S Ruckversicherung AG, the Hannover Re Group's unit handling German business, continues to expect a positive premium development in the German market for the January 2019 renewals, albeit at a somewhat more diminished pace than in 2018.
Willis Towers Watson: reinsurance products backed by 'alternative' capital have become mainstream
by team, 2018-10-22
End investors, Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS) funds, and buyers - the three groups active in ILS - have predominantly weathered 2017 loss activity with a view that reinsurance products backed by 'alternative' capital have become mainstream, according to a new Global ILS Market Survey by Willis Towers Watson.
Five new XPRIMM insurance reports on the Baden Baden stands
by Daniela GHETU, 2018-10-21
Five new titles are available this year on the XPRIMM Baden-Baden press stands opened in the Kurhaus Casino and in Baden Baden main locations, presenting the latest statistical data and comprehensive analysis for the CEE, SEE and CIS insurance markets.
TRUST Re, 1H2018: 13% y-o-y growth in premiums and claims settled, exceeding USD 300 million
by Daniela GHETU, 2018-10-21
TRUST Re has announced a 13% y-o-y growth in premiums for 1H2018 and a combined ratio of 96.5%, down from 98.9% a year ago, reaffirming its sound and steady reputation among the company's long list of loyal customers.
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Interview with
Dr. Petra Reindl, Client Management Executive, Switzerland and South Eastern Europe
Tobias Sonndorfer, Client Management Executive, Austria, Poland and CEE
by Daniela GHETU, Oleg DORONCEANU, 2018-10-22
Climate change, evolving cyber risks, the disrupting effects of the technological “revolution”, InsurTech players bringing a new business culture, as well as the wave of new regulations … are all factors that may change dramatically the re/insurance world before long. The balance between opportunities and challenges is rather fragile in many respects. Trying to draw a picture of this volatile landscape, we have talked with the representatives of one of main global players in the re/insurance market, MUNICH Re.
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Baden Baden Meetings 2018
21-25 October 2018, Baden Baden, Germany
Connected Claims Europe
29 - 30 October, 2018, London, UK
InsureTek Middle East 2018 & Golden Shield Excellence Awards 2018
7 November 2018, Grand Excelsior Hotel Bur Dubai, Dubai, UAE
Insurance Market and Regulatory Developments in the Western Balkan Countries - Challenges and Perspectives
15?November?2018, 18.00?hours, House of Finance, Frankfurt, Germany
November Business Meetings (NBM) for Reinsurers
21-22 November 2018, "Novaya Ploschad" Business Center, Moscow, Russia
FinTech Connect
5 - 6 December 2018,
Excel London, UK |