Starting 19 October, an international MTPL insurance policy "Green Card" policy will be not needed for vehicles registered in one of the countries of the European Economic Area to enter on the territory of Bosnia & Herzegovina (BiH), or for BiH vehicles to circulate on the roads of the EEA countries.

8 October 2020
The first half of 2020 ended for the Bosnian insurers with total GWP of EUR 191.7 million, 2% less y-o-y, a result mainly driven by the non-life segment's decrease in premiums volume, especially on the credit insurance and Motor Hull insurance lines.

24 September 2020
Damir HADZIC, President of the Management Board of Euroherc osiguranje dd Sarajevo, was reelected as President of the Management Board of the Association of Insurance Companies in the Federation of BiH (UDO FBiH) for the 2020-2024 term.

21 May 2020
Last year, the BiH insurance market totaled EUR 390 million (BAM 762.5 million), 7% more y-o-y, as data from the local insurance agency - AZOBIH shows.

2 April 2020
Bosnian subsidiary of the Serbian DUNAV Osiguranje said it plans to give up its life insurance business, remaining active in non-life insurance only, reports SeeNews quoting a company document filed with the Banja Luka Exchange Stock.

12 February 2020
Establishing a national disaster insurance scheme is one of the main features of the UNDP's NAP for Bosnia & Herzegovina. Improving BiH's preparedness for dealing with Nat Cat events is instrumental considering the expected increase in flood losses and the very low current insurance coverage.

29 January 2020
VIENNA Insurance Group announced two of the top women managers in the Group - Svetla NESTOROVA (Bulgaria) and Sabina MUJANOVIC (Bosnia-Herzegovina), recently received major awards for their performance in 2019.

21 January 2020
On December 11, 2019, The Insurance Supervision Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina announced the temporary withdrawal of AURA license to perform MTPL business in Tuzla Canton.

17 December 2019
At the end of November 2019, the General Meeting of Shareholders of ATOS Osiguranje passed the decision to merge with GRAWE osiguranje ad Banja Luka, the Republika Srpska branch of the Austrian insurance group, reports.

3 December 2019
Bosnian branch of GRAWE, the life insurance sector leader from Bosnia and Herzegovina, will take over the life portfolio of DUNAV Osiguranje Banja Luka, the Bosnian subsidiary of Serbian market leader, reports.

23 October 2019
Insurers of Bosnia & Herzegovina have reported GWP worth EUR 195.7 million at the end of 1H, 6.65% more y-o-y. Life insurance recorded an above average growth rate, of 10%, which rounded its share in the market portfolio to 20%.

17 October 2019

5 June 2019
During Insurance Europe's General Assembly on 22 May 2019, the Federation announced a new member aboard: The Association of Insurance Companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (UDOFBiH).

30 May 2019
Last year, the BiH insurance market totaled EUR 365 million (BAM 713 million), 4.4% more y-o-y, as data from the local insurance agency - AZOBIH shows.

11 April 2019
Bosnian insurance market grew solidly y-o-y, in terms of gross written premiums (GWP), from EUR 232 million in 2008 to EUR 349 million in 2017. Around half of premiums were brought by MTPL only. Paid claims (PC) fluctuated between EUR 95 - 136 million.

7 March 2019
The Government of Republic of Srpska has established a Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Insurance Companies. The proposed articles will include changes in insurers' internal organization, higher amounts of founding capital required, as well as changes in administrative procedures.

27 February 2019
ASA Osiguranje, one of the youngest insurance companies in Bosnia, which was established in 2007 and is part of the ASA Group, ended 2018 with positive results (~+20%), and, according to the General Director Feda MORANKIC, the same positive trend is expected in 2019.

20 February 2019
CROATIA osiguranje (CO) has announced on 23 January that both agreements concluded in June last year, to acquire through its Bosnian subsidiary the full ownership of the Bosnian Testing Center LLC and the CENTRAL INSURANCE company, are canceled.

25 January 2019

21 January 2019
The Bosnian market saw a consolidated GWP growth rate of 4% y-o-y in 1H2018, to EUR 183.5 million. Of this total, the non-life insurance segment accounts for by far the largest part with over 80%. Moreover, the MTPL insurance class provides for a clear half of the total GWP volume.

3 October 2018