According to the President of the Management Board of Adris Grupa, Marko Remenar, "the instability in global energy markets, combined with expansive monetary policy and supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19, pushed consumer prices up to record levels. These inflation trends, coupled with the notable uncertainty over the development of events regarding the war in Ukraine, will define economic movements going forward. Croatia's accession to the European Monetary Union and the Schengen area, and the substantial inflow of EU funds under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, will have positive effects on the Croatian economy. The duration of these effects will depend, among other things, on what we will invest the available funds in and how."
From the strategic perspective, in Remenar's view, "the second global crisis in a handful of years, following the COVID-19 crisis, has proved that Adris has a well-balanced business portfolio in a range of industries, along with people who are capable of handling challenges and continued uncertainties."
Adris Grupa posted a total revenue of HRK 6.5 billion in 2022 (~EUR 862 million), up 14% year-on-year. Revenue from the sales of goods and services amounted to HRK 6.1 billion (~EUR 810 million), up 16% year-on-year. Consolidated profit before interest, taxes and amortization (EBITDA) was up 23%, to HRK 1.30 billion. Adris posted a net profit of HRK 550 million in 2022 (~EUR 173 million), up 37% year-on-year, and up 9% compared to 2019. Net profit after minorities amounted to HRK 418 million (~EUR 55.5 million) and was up 41% year-on-year.
Remenar concluded that the Group "performed above the pre-crisis levels" in spite of market headwinds, which, coupled with strong investments, will enable the Group's future growth and development.
However, Remenar underlined, "we have to be aware of the fact that we are living in a time when global balances established after World War II are lost, and global positions are being realigned. Together with the developments in artificial intelligence and the continuous challenges posed by climate change, this makes the environment we are operating in extremely dynamic. Deglobalization, digitalization and decarbonization are evidently the main processes at work in the global scene that will define the period ahead. In spite of it all, I deeply believe that increased chances of success for this and any other system should be sought in the quality of human intelligence, but also in the character and the values that come together in this system."