According to market representatives quoted by ERR," while the number of storms is similar (ed. as compared with previous years), the number of households affected and the amount of claims paid out has risen". On the hand, heatwaves of unprecedented intensity cause several types of damages - from wildfires, to damaged goods or health problems that may lead, in turn, to road accidents, especially for those travelling on two wheels.
In addition, as many of the summer storm were accompanied lately by strong thunderstorm episodes, the incidence of power outages, while thunders have caused damages to home items such as set-top boxes, TVs and other appliances.
Overall, while Estonia is situated in a geographical area usually spared by natural disasters, which made the country not face major hurricanes, wild fires or floods, in the recent years the occurrence of several extreme weather events may indicate that climate change may have an impact on Estonia also. While customers seem more preoccupied with NatCat risks, insurers should prepare to face them more often.