

Location map
author: OCHA/ ReliefWeb

- Central Europe;
- Neighbours: Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania.

- temperate climate;
- cold, cloudy, humid winters;
- warm summers.

Macro indicators
* 2018 estimates
Pop. density*:105.1people/km2
GDP*:130.9EUR billion

European Union:
EU member, since 2004

Currency: Forint
Code: HUF
Since: 1946

Insurance market portfolio
* 2018 estimates
Overall Property*:18%
Overall Motor*:26%

Starting October 1, 2013, the National Bank of Hungary took over all activities of financial market regulator PSZAF



tari standard

Hungary 3Q2024 Market Portfolio M N B

tari standard

Hungary 1H2024 Market Portfolio M N B

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Latest news

Hungary: the average MTPL premium grew twice as fast as claims expenses in Q3

In Q3 2024, the average annual premium for mandatory MTPL insurance for standard-use passenger cars in Hungary rose by 10% y-o-y, reaching HUF 58,000, said the National Bank of Hungary. Claims costs rose by half as much, and there was no growth in claims expenses during the last quarter. With inflation declining, a smaller increase would have been justified.

Hungary: home insurance premiums increased, in average, by 19% y-o-y in Q3 2024

The consumer-friendly home insurance policies offer significant advantages compared to other market options. Their average premium is 22% lower than the average annual premium for fully insured residential properties and amounts to HUF 50,800, according to the Hungarian National Bank’s Q3 2024 Home Insurance Index.

Hungarian Government and VIG intensify cooperation

A cooperation agreement on strategic issues was signed between the Hungarian government and Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) in Budapest on 14 December 2023. The cooperation is intended to support the successful joint development and expansion of the insurance sector in Hungary, as the Austrian insurer informed in a statement.

STATISTICS: Hungarian insurers' Q3 net profits decreased to ~EUR 31 million

According to the quarterly statistics published by the Central Bank of Hungary, at the end of Q3 2023, the aggregate market gross profit of Hungarian insurers decreased by 36.5% y-o-y to HUF 14.7 billion the equivalent of EUR 37.6 million (vs. HUF 23.2 billion/EUR 55 million), according to the quarterly statistics published by the Central Bank of Hungary. At the same time, the value of net profit decreased by 42.4% y-o-y to HUF 12.1 billion (~EUR 31 million) vs. HUF 21 billion/ ~EUR 50 million.

HUNGARY: The MNB is working on a new concept to improve life insurance

The National Bank (MNB) wants life insurance policies with a better price-to-value ratio, lower cost and sold without defects on the Hungarian life insurance market, therefore it is working on a new, ethical concept to be introduced on the market, announced Gergo Szeniczey, Executive Director of the MNB at the MABISZ conference, reports.

VIG increases its share of Hungarian business from 55% to 90%

On November 21, 2023, Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) signed a purchase agreement to acquire 35% of the Hungarian holding company VIG Magyarország Befektetesi Zrt., which are currently held by the Hungarian state holding company Corvinus. After completion of the transaction, VIG's share in the holding company will increase from 55 to 90%.