Thus, in the draft regulation it is proposed to establish the following insured amounts and the limit of liability for causing harm to life or health of each victim, which entailed: death of the victim - KGS 300 thousand (~EUR 2,924*) and disability of the victim: I group - in the amount of KGS 200 thousand, II group - in the amount KGS 150 thousand, III group - in the amount of KGS 100 thousand, category "disabled child" - KGS 200 thousand, injury or other damage to health without establishing disability - in the amount of actual expenses for outpatient and (or) inpatient treatment, but no more than KGS 100 thousand, causing damage to the property of victims - in the amount of the damage caused, but no more than KGS 150 thousand to each victim and no more than KGS 450 thousand to all victims. The size of the MTPL basic premium - in the amount of KGS 1680.
It is proposed to establish the insured amounts based on the experience of the EAEU member states, in which MTPL has been operating for many years. For example, in Russia, a person injured in a traffic accident, whose life or health has been harmed, can receive MTPL compensation in the amount of 12.8 average wages, in Kazakhstan - 15.2. The proposed size of the insured amount in Kyrgyzstan corresponds to 20.1 average wages.
* for the following exchange rate:
1 EUR = 102.5712 KGS (as of 01.05.2021)