Bearing in mind complexity of the requirements of the Solvency II Directive and the need for a significant adjustment of the insurance sector, the
Insurance Supervision Agency has started a series of activities so that the Montenegrin insurance sector is fully prepared for the full application of all requirements of Solvency II.

20 January 2025
At the end of September 2024, the insurance market of Montenegro totaled EUR 102.6 million, 12.7% more y-o-y, while the value of paid claims by insurers totaled EUR 42.64 million, up by 22.84% y-o-y, according to the quarterly market data released by Insurance Supervision Agency.

24 October 2024
The insurance market of Montenegro totaled EUR 68.23 million at the end of H1 2024, up by 13.95% y-o-y or by EUR 8.3 million, according to the half-year figures published by the local Insurance Supervision Agency (ISA). Gross written premiums from non-life insurance represent 81.35% of total insurance market - about EUR 55.5 million, up by 12% y-o-y while, while life business GWP was up by 23.11% y-o-y to EUR 12.7 million.

18 September 2024
According to preliminary figures published by the Insurance Supervision Agency of Montenegro (ISA), the business of Montenegrin insurers increased by 12.58% y-o-y in the first quarter of 2024, reaching EUR 34.46 million.

11 June 2024
National Bureau of Insurers of Montenegro and the Montenegrin Actuarial Society organized the second edition of the Montenegrin Insurance Days - a conference named "New Horizons of Insurance". The event took place on April 22-24, at the Avala Hotel in Budva.

30 April 2024
The Montenegrin market reported a 10.3% y-o-y growth in FY2023 GWP, to EUR 119.5 million, according to the preliminary figures published on the ISA's website, while the value of paid claims &indemnities increased by 9.1% y-o-y to almost EUR 50 million.

7 February 2024
At the end of September 2023, the insurance market of Montenegro totaled EUR 90.98 million, 9.90% more y-o-y, while the value of paid claims by insurers totaled EUR 34.68 million, up by 4.76% y-o-y, according to the quarterly market data released by Insurance Supervision Agency.

1 November 2023
Montenegrin insurer Lovcen Osiguranje, which is among the biggest insurers in SEE and is part of the Slovenia-based Triglav Group, reported a net profit of EUR 3.3 million in the first nine months of 2023, up 73% y-o-y,
SeeNews reports.

30 October 2023
The insurance market of Montenegro totaled EUR 59.9 million at the end of H1 2023, up by 9.1% y-o-y (or by EUR 5 million), according to the half-year figures published by the local Insurance Supervision Agency (ISA). Gross written premiums from non-life insurance represents 82.7% of total insurance market - about EUR 49.5 million, up by 10.7% y-o-y while, life business GWP was up by 2.4% y-o-y to EUR 10.3 million.

6 September 2023
The business of Montenegrin insurers increased by 13.83% y-o-y in the first quarter of 2023, reaching EUR 30.61 million, as preliminary official figures showed.

25 May 2023
"Gradual and timely alignment with EU regulations in insurance is the best way to meet the standards and requirements of the new Solvency II regulatory regime", as was emphasized at the meeting of the leadership of the Insurance Supervisory Agency (ANO) and the Austrian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (FMA).

27 April 2023
The Montenegrin market reported a 9.58% y-o-y growth in FY2022 GWP, to EUR 108.28 million, according to the preliminary figures published on the ISA's website.

15 March 2023
Montenegrin insurer Lovcen Osiguranje reported a net profit of EUR 1.44 million in the first nine months of 2022, up 134% y-o-y,
SeeNews reported.

8 November 2022
At the end of September 2022, the insurance market of Montenegro totaled EUR 82.79 million, 11.23% more y-o-y, while the value of paid claims by insurers totaled EUR 33.11 million, up by 7.45% y-o-y, according to the quarterly market data released by Insurance Supervision Agency.

2 November 2022
The delegation of the Insurance Supervision Agency of Montenegro, led by the President of the Council, Uros Andrijasevic, visited Vienna to participate in the meeting of insurance regulators of the CESEE region (Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe),
the agency said on its website.

26 October 2022
The insurance market of Montenegro totaled EUR 54.9 million at the end of H1 2022, up by 11.9% y-o-y (or by EUR 5.9 million), according to the half-year figures published by the local Insurance Supervision Agency (ISA).
Gross written premiums from non-life insurance represents 81.6% of total insurance market - about EUR 44.8 million, up by 12.4% y-o-y while, life business GWP was up by 9.2% y-o-y to EUR 10.1 million.

1 September 2022
Insurance Supervision Agency of Montenegro and the Austrian Financial Markets Regulatory Authority (FMA) signed a memorandum, the
agency said on its website.

30 June 2022
The gross written premiums of Montenegrin insurers increased by 12.80% y-o-y in the first quarter of 2022, reaching EUR 26.89 million, as preliminary official figures showed.

24 May 2022
The Montenegrin market reported a 5.5% y-o-y growth in FY2021 GWP, to EUR 99 million, according to the preliminary figures published on the ISA's website.

7 February 2022
The Council of the Insurance Supervision Agency adopted a Decision on the amount of regular contribution to the Guarantee Fund for 2022, wrote.

31 December 2021