VIG, 1H2019: strong growth; Group well on course to reach targets
by Daniela GHETU, 2019-08-27
Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) has reported a 6% y-o-y GWP increase, to EUR 5.4 billion for the first half of the year, while on the profitability side, pre-tax profits went up by 10.5%, to EUR 257 million, for a combined ratio of 96.4%, close to last year's level. More
ZURICH, 1H2019: business operating profit went up by 16% y-o-y
by Cosmin CONCEATU, 2019-08-28
Zurich Insurance Group reported a business operating profit (BOP) of USD 2.8 billion at the end of the first half of 2019. The evolution reflects an increase of 16% compared to the profit of the same period of prior year. More
ERGO Germany implements FRISS AI in claims management process
by Cosmin CONCEATU, 2019-08-28
ERGO Germany successfully implemented FRISS Fraud Detection at Claims system in their claims management activity. ERGO Germany will take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize their portfolio and fasten the claims management process. More
STATISTICS: KOSOVO, 1H2019: Market profitability affected by the claims reserves increase
by Cosmin CONCEATU, 2019-08-29
By the end of the first half of 2019, Kosovan insurance companies have written EUR 48.4 million in GWP, 7.8% more than the level recorded in the first half of the prior year (1H2018: EUR 45 million). More
LATVIA: new liability limits for drone insurance
by Cosmin CONCEATU, 2019-08-29
On August 13th, the Government of Latvia approved the draft over "unmanned aircrafts and other aircrafts" regulation, according to which all drones that weight over 250 grams (~0.55 lbs) are required to carry a civil liability insurance. More
STATISTICS: NORTH MACEDONIA, 1H2019: life, MTPL and fire insurance fed the market growth
by Daniela GHETU, 2019-08-29
Macedonian insurers ended 1H2019 with an aggregate GWP volume of EUR 85.37 million, 6.7% up y-o-y. In relative terms, the life insurance sector showed a double-digit growth rate, but in absolute value, it was still the non-life insurance segment providing for the largest contribution to the market growth. More
POLAND: Guarantee Fund will grant new benefits to motor accidents victims
by Cosmin CONCEATU, 2019-08-29
Insurance Guarantee Fund of Poland (UFG) announced it will be compensating the victims of accidents from the past years, in the cases where insurers' motor liability insurance funds have been exhausted. More
The PZU Group, 1H2019: EUR 2.8 billion in GWP and EUR 345 million net profit for the parent company
by Daniela GHETU, 2019-08-29
The PZU Group has achieved in 1H2019 the highest net financial result attributed to the parent company for the first half of the last five years, of PLN 1.48 billion, while the group's efficiency ratios were better than planned. More
UNIQA, 1H2019: notable growth in CEE and SEE markets
by Cosmin CONCEATU, 2019-08-28
UNIQA Group announced a "solid" first half of 2019, with a net profit of EUR 105.6 million and a total volume of written premiums (GWP) of EUR 2.8 billion. Health segment saw the highest growth in terms of GWP (+3.4%), while Life insurance shrunk by 4.2% at group level. More
METLIFE, 2Q2019: net income doubled in the second quarter of 2019
by press.release, 2019-08-27
MetLife reported a consolidated net income of USD 1.7 billion in the second quarter of 2019, a twofold increase compared to 2Q 2018 net income of USD 0.85 billion. For 2019 first six-month period, MetLife consolidated net income was USD 3.1 billion (+46% change y-o-y). More
STATISTICS: BELARUS, 1H2019: life insurance increased by almost 31% y-o-y
by Marina MAGNAVAL, 2019-08-29
In the first half of 2019, GWP of the Belarusian market amounted to BYN 689.9 million (EUR 296.72 million), which in local currency is 13.63% more y-o-y. At that, paid claims increased by only 9.16%, to BYN 333.56 million (EUR 143.46 million), data published by the Ministry of Finance show. More Продолжение
KAZAKHSTAN: life insurance provided 80% of the market y-o-y growth for January-July
by Marina MAGNAVAL, 2019-08-29
During the January - July 2019 period, total market GWP increased by KZT 57.1 billion/~EUR 0.13 billion (+23%) y-o-y. At the same time, about 80% of that increase was provided by the life sector, as reports. More Продолжение
STATISTICS: MOLDOVA, 1H2019: paid claims growing more than twice as fast as GWP in local currency
by Marina MAGNAVAL, 2019-08-29
In the first half of 2019, Moldovan insurers generated GWP in the amount of MDL 769.48 million (EUR 37.27 million), about 9% more y-o-y. At the same time, growth of paid claims was much more impressive - by 18.81%, up to MDL 347.02 million, according to the official data published by the National Commission of the Financial Market in Moldova (CNPF). More Продолжение
RUSSIA: total insured area of agricultural crops increased 5 times in the first 7 months of this year
by Cosmin CONCEATU, 2019-08-29
National Association of Agricultural Insurers (NAAI) announced improvements in the Russian agricultural insurance business, for the first seven months of 2019. The total insured area was of 2.8 million hectares, 5 times the size of the same period of prior year. More
UKRAINE: MTIBU: in January-June 20 MTPL insurers got high rating
by Marina MAGNAVAL, 2019-08-29
According to the quarterly assessment of the MTIBU (Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine), in the first half of the current year, 20 MTPL insurers out of 48 bureau members received a high rating, as Forinsurer reports. More Продолжение
the move |
Anette REY joins SCOR as Head Of Group Communications
by press.release, 2019-08-27
Anette REY joined SCOR as Head of Group Communications, reporting to the Group Chief Operating Officer, Romain LAUNAY. Based in Paris, she will be responsible for all facets of Group communications, both external and internal.
Oliver WILLMES to take over as Chairman of the Board of ERGO International AG
by press.release, 2019-08-27
Oliver WILLMES will take over the position as Chairman of the Board of ERGO International AG as from 1 October, subject to the approval of the appropriate Supervisory Authorities.
Yves BETZ to embark on HDI Global SE Management Board
by press.release, 2019-08-27
The Supervisory Board of HDI Global SE, the industrial insurer of the HDI Group, has appointed Yves BETZ as a new Member of the Management Board, with effect from 1 December 2019.
Insurance Conference - Back 2 Basics Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 September 2019
Organizer: AZN - Insurance Supervision Agency of Slovenia
Les Rendez-Vous de Septembre 7-12 September 2019 Monte-Carlo, Monaco For details:
Hotel Gagarinn, Odessa, Ukraine
6th Annual Insurance Business Forum 16-18 September, 2019 Swissotel Sochi Kamelia, Sochi, Russia Organizer: Insurance Business Forum For details:
4th Annual Connected Claims Europe 18 - 19 September, 2019 Novotel Amsterdam City, The Netherlands Organizer:?Insurance Nexus Media Partner:?XPRIMM Publications For details:?
9th Edition Insurance Asset Management 18 - 20 September, 2019 Amsterdam, Netherlands Organizer:?marcus evans Media Partner:?XPRIMM Publications For details:?
Annual National Reinsurers Summit 3 - 4 October 2019 St. Petersburg, Russia Organiser: RNRC - Russian National Reinsurance Company For details:
Baden-Baden XPRIMM Reception 20 October 2019 Kurhaus Casino Baden-Baden, Germany Organizer: XPRIMM For
10th Annual WorldPensionSummit 22 - 24 October, 2019 Louwman Museum, the Hague, the Netherlands Organizer:?P&I Events Media Partner:?XPRIMM Publications For details:?
Baden Baden Meetings 2019 20-24 October 2019 Baden Baden, Germany For details:
Insurance Conference - Republic of Moldova 3rd Edition 11 November, 2019 Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Organizer: XPRIMM