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XPRIMM News No. 621, 08 December 2022

Insurance Newsletter No. 621, 08 December 2022

by Andrei Victor, 2022-12-07
Eurohold Bulgaria AD, a leading energy and financial group in Southeast Europe, reported strong results in the third quarter of 2022 consolidating its very positive performance since the beginning of the year, according to the company's consolidated interim financial statement for the period.

by Marina MAGNAVAL, 2022-12-07
The analysis of the Czech Accident Portal shows a long-term growing trend of increasing the number of accidents with animals. While there were 897 accidents in the second quarter of 2010, there were 4,041 accidents in the second quarter of 2022, the Czech Insurance Association said.

by Marina MAGNAVAL, 2022-12-07
According to the Estonian Insurance Companies Association (EKsL), 28 travel insurance disputes between customers and insurers have been registered by the insurance conciliation body this year, which is 17 more than a year ago.

by Daniela GHETU, 2022-12-08
GWP in the Polish bancassurance channel went down by about 20% y-o-y in the first three quarters of 2022, reaching PLN 4.16 billion. This result was mostly due a strong reduction in life insurance, as an outcome of the product intervention of the supervision authority and the volatile economic environment.

by Daniela GHETU, 2022-12-08
MSCI, a leading international ESG rating company that assesses nearly three thousand companies globally, has upgraded Assicurazioni Generali to AAA, its highest possible rating, from AA.

by Marina MAGNAVAL, 2022-12-07
In January-October 2022, life insurance premiums in Azerbaijan collected by five insurance companies reached AZN 327.1 million (~EUR 193.55 million), which is 46.6% more y-o-y, ABC.AZ wrote with reference to the data of the insurance association.

by Marina MAGNAVAL, 2022-12-07
The international rating agency Fitch Ratings on December 2 affirmed the sovereign credit rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan at BBB with a stable outlook, writes with reference to the National Bank.

by Marina MAGNAVAL, 2022-12-07
In the third quarter of 2022, MTPL insurers paid more than UAH 700 million to the road victims. The number of MTPL agreements concluded in the third quarter amounted to 2.1 million units, which is 13.4% less y-o-y. GWP reached UAH 2.1 billion (~EUR 58.25 million), up 7.4%, according to a press release from the MTIBU (Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine).

by Andrei Victor, 2022-12-07
The international rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) once again confirmed Vienna Insurance Group's (VIG) rating of "A+" with a stable outlook in its press release on 1 December 2022.

by Andrei Victor, 2022-12-07
Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich) announced that its subsidiary Zurich Investments Life S.p.A. has completed the sale of its life and pensions back book, composed of both traditional and unit-linked policies, to the Portuguese insurance company GamaLife - Companhia de Seguros de Vida, S.A. (GamaLife).


by Andrei Victor, 2022-12-08
According to the CAP (Czech Insurance Association) quarterly figures, at the end of September 2022 the aggregate GWP reported by member companies totaled CZK 119.2 billion (EUR 4.9 billion) up by 7.5%, or by almost CZK 8.4 billion.

by Andrei Victor, 2022-12-08
According to the quarterly statistics published by the Central Bank of Hungary, at the end of September 2022, the aggregate market gross profit of Hungarian insurers decreased by 65% y-o-y to HUF 23.2 billion the equivalent of EUR 55 million (vs. HUF 66.3 billion/ EUR 184 million), according to the quarterly statistics published by the Central Bank of Hungary.

by Andrei Victor, 2022-12-08
The largest CEE insurance market posted aggregate 3Q2022 GWP worth PLN 57.7 billion (EUR 10.8 billion), up by 3.6% y-o-y according to the quarterly statistics published by Polish KNF (Financial Supervision Authority). At the same time, claims and benefits paid by local insurers increased by ~11% y-o-y to PLN 33.6 billion or EUR 6.9 billion.

by Andrei Victor, 2022-12-08
According to the January-September 2022 aggregate figures published by SLASPO (Slovak Insurance Association), at the end of Q3, total GWP from the members of the association totaled EUR 1.95 billion, up by 4.42% y-o-y.


by Daniela GHETU, 2022-12-08
"From a business perspective, it is important to understand that ESG not as a luxury, it is not Louis Vuitton of the insurance sector, it is the textile bag that you need every day to do shopping, so it is really something fundamental that is of use," Dieter Pscheidl, Head of European Affairs and ESG for Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) explained in second episode of the XPRIMM TIME FOR BUSINESS series dedicated to ESG issues.

by Daniela GHETU, 2022-12-08
Among our priorities, for the next period is to increase Romanians' confidence in the insurance industry by intensifying financial education actions - a strategic pillar for us, where in recent years we have been making sustained efforts, especially aimed at young people, especially in the digital area.


by Andrei Victor, 2022-12-07
CAP - The Czech Insurance Association announced in a statement the renewed structure of its highest body. As it does every two years, the assembly of association elected the nine members of its Presidium.

by Marina MAGNAVAL, 2022-12-07
In the Latvian Insurers' Association (LAA) members' meeting in November, two management members of the association's council were re-elected for a two-year term, as well as the association's 2023 work plan and budget were approved.

by Daniela GHETU, 2022-12-08
Zeljko Slijepcevic, member of the Management Board of the Banking Agency of Republika Srpska, has been appointed as the ombudsman in the insurance of the RS, for a five year mandate, starting on 8 December wrote.

by Andrei Victor, 2022-12-07
Global re/insurance broker Aon announced two new leaders within its Reinsurance Solutions Asia Pacific (APAC) team.



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