During 2019, Polish insurers issued 103,000 border policies for motorists without a valid Green Card insurance. The number decreased significantly in 2019 if we compare it with 2018, when more than 200 thousand border policies were issued.
Mariusz Wichtowski, President of the Board of PBUK, explained:
"This significant decrease is mainly caused by the implementation of the border and customs services by Belarus and Ukraine, in relation to their citizens which are leaving the countries' borders and entering EEA, being under very strict controls regarding the possession of a valid Green Card certificate issued by their National Bureaus, prior to leaving the country."
The value of premiums received by Polish insurance companies for border insurance in 2019 exceeded PLN 11.2 million. Motorists equipped with these policies have caused 701 damages, the total value of claims paid so far reaching PLN 9 million.
This means that in 2019 the share of the claims paid in their corresponding premiums written volume was almost 81%. The share reflects a very large increase in claims during 2019 when compared to 2018, when the border insurance written premiums amounted to PLN 26.7 million, while the value of the claims paid were PLN 8.7 million, which means a share of 32.5% of total claims divided by total premiums.
Source: pbuk.pl