POLAND: Nearly one million cars insured for the first time in 2023

13 November 2023 — Marina MAGNAVAL
Data collected by the Samar Automotive Market Research Institute (IBRM) shows that during the first three quarters of 2023, 992,552 passenger cars and commercial vehicles with a total permissible weight of up to 3.5 tons were registered for the first time, Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa writes.

Samar IBRM estimates show that the largest Polish insurer PZU covered nearly a quarter of newly registered vehicles (246,915 units, which is 24.88%). Warta ranks second (170,090 units, 17.14%), followed by ERGO Hestia (127,107 units, 12.81%), UNIQA (80,349 units, 8.1%) and Allianz (41,098 units, 4.14%).

Samar states that information on insurance contains many gaps because it arrives at the databases with some delay. After three quarters, the shortage for newly registered cars amounts to 11.59%, so the actual result may be slightly different.