Romanian authorities intend to suspend the MTPL contracts for carriers

22 April 2020 —
The Romanian Government and the Ministry of Transport are preparing to suspend the MTPL contrats for the unused vehicles of transport companies due the COVID-19 pandemic, informed here.

According to the Romanian Financial Supervision Authority this measure could have a negative effect in MTPL tarrifs:

"This measure will increase the MTPL insurance premiums at the level of the entire market in Romania, as a result of the need to transfer the costs of suspending the MTPL contracts to the costs of the future concluded contracts or as a result of the need to supplement the financing costs of the National Protection Fund, resulting from the possible increase of the compensation granted by BAAR due to the occurrence of events where vehicles with suspended MTPL contracts or that are uninsured will be involved."

At the same time, Romanian ASF notes that the MTPL insurance is mandatory when the vehicle is registered in a EU Member State and is fit to move, despite it is immobilized on a private land as a result of the decision of his owner who no longer intends to drive it.

Regarding the other requests -the suspension of voluntary MoD and CMR insurance contracts or any other voluntary insurance contract, ASF mentions that, these contracts being optional, are concluded by agreement of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Romanian Civil Code, and any intervention of the authorities in the provisions of these contracts represents a violation of the provisions.