SLOVENIA: GRAWE recorded a total profit of EUR 0.7 million in 2018

14 March 2019 —
During the General Meeting of Shareholders, GRAWE zavarovalnica d.d. presented the financial results for 2018. A total profit of EUR 0.7 million was recorded, alongside a total GWP level of EUR 43.3 million, above the expected number due to the increasing number of contracts.

GRAWE Slovenia issued 372,785 insurance contracts, with 18,885 more contracts compared to 2017. In 2018, total GWP increased by 1.67% compared to 2017. The highest increases were seen in property and motor insurance.

A total number of 21,808 claims were paid by the company, marking a volume of roughly EUR 31.0 million, from which EUR 26.8 million went to non-life insurance claims.

GRAWE Slovenia achieved a solvency level of 369%, placing the company as one of the most stable companies in Slovenia. GRAWE claims that this is the result of top-quality management and EUR 187 million worth of investments.