Of the total number of 2,456 Green Card active claims (damage done to Slovenians), most of them came from Croatia (369 claims), Austria (350), Italy (309) and Germany (247).
The number of 7,285 Green Card passive claims (caused by Green Card insured Slovenians) was mainly impacted by the number of accidents in Germany (1,890 claims), Austria (1,598), Italy (1,388), Croatia (804) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (405).
Regarding the evolution of the past 7 years of Green Card claims, the number of active claims increased by 16% over the period, from 2,115 active claims in 2012 to 2,456 active claims in 2018, while the number of passive claims increased by 46%, from 4,994 passive claims in 2012 to 7,285 passive claims in 2018.
Protection of visitors scheme
By the end of 2018, the "Protection of visitors scheme", which handles the accidents between Slovenians and individuals from European Economic Area (EEA) countries, Switzerland and other countries outside Green Card, totaled a number 1,392 claims caused by Slovenian vehicles abroad and 2,433 accidents causing damage to Slovenes when traveling in these regions.
Among the number of 2,433 active claims (caused to Slovenes), the highest number of accidents was seen in Italy (498 active claims), Austria (487), Croatia (459) and Germany (307).
Most of the 1,392 passive claims (caused by Slovenians) happened in Germany (310), Austria (289), Italy (204), Croatia (104) and Poland (94).
The evolution in the past 7 years of accidents for the Protection of Visitors scheme increased as well. The number of active claims (filed by Slovene claimants) increased from 1,316 in 2012 to 2,433 in 2018 (+85%). The number of passive claims (caused by Slovene vehicles) increased from 960 in 2012 to 1,392 in 2018 (+45%).
For the year 2018, Slovenia can be considered an "exporter" in terms of over the border Green Card accidents, but this result can reflect a positive thing - a safe road infrastructure.
In 2018, Slovenia was ranked by the European Commission on the 10th place in the EU out of 28 member states, judged on the number of road fatalities per million inhabitants. Slovenia had less fatalities on road (44 road fatalities per million inhabitants) than the EU average (49 road fatalities per million inhabitants), making Slovenia one of the safest countries in the EU to be traveled by road.