The Czech insurance market ended the third quarter of 2023 with GWP worth CZK 160.9 billion (EUR 6.6 billion), up by 6.1% y-o-y, according to the end-September figures published by the Czech National Bank (CNB).
Claims paid by local insurers totaled CZK 81.4 billion (EUR 3.3 billion) down by 7 y-o-y, of which CZK 56.8 billion related to non-life insurance, the remaining CZK 24.6 billion being related to life insurance subclasses.
For the life segment, the GWP value (including reinsurance) decreased by 1.4% to CZK 40.5 billion, while the aggregate GWP related to non-life subclasses totaled at the end of September 2023 about CZK 120.4 billion (up by 8.9% y-o-y.
Access and download the Q3 2023 Czech insurance market statistics.
STATISTICS: Czech National Bank: insurance sector expanded to EUR 6.6 billion at the end of Q3
23 January 2024 — Andrei VICTOR