In terms of GWP, the life insurance segment remained at the 2018 level, ~EUR 96 million, while in the case of non-life insurance market, the GWP amounted to EUR 397.92 million (80.58% of total), 12.86% down y-o-y.
Of all five life insurers, Estonia's market leader in life insurance was SWEDBANK Life Insurance SE (40.60% market share), followed by SEB Elu- ja Pensionikindlustuse AS (23.12%) and COMPENSA Life VIG SE (17.43%).
The country's leading player in the non-life segment was Swedbank P&C Insurance AS (GWP of EUR 75.12 million), followed by If P&C Insurance AS (EUR 72.94 million) and ERGO Insurance SE - EUR 63.60 million.