Non-life GWP accounted for about 83.77% of the total GWP (MKD 8.05 billion, or EUR 130.68 million, up by 7.12% y-o-y) - of which MTPL (41.18% of total), property (17.40%), MoD (7.57%) and GTPL (2.28%) -, the remaining share of 16.23% being represented by the life insurance segment: GWP of MKD 1.55 billion (EUR 25.32 million), up by 17.46% y-o-y.
In terms of premiums, at the end of September 2022, the largest non-life insurer in the country was TRIGLAV (15.23% market share), while CROATIA (31.38%) led the life LoB.
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