Life insurance has increased in third quarter of 2019 by 4.37% y-o-y to EUR 550.75 million, while the non-life segment reported a positive growth rate of 7.98%, reaching EUR 1.35 billion as compared with EUR 1.25 billion for the year 2018. Thus non-life insurance made up the largest share of total GWP (71%), while the share of life insurance premiums was 29%. It is worth to mention the share of the three major non-life classes - health, property and motor - amounting a total GWP of EUR 1.27 billion (60% of total market / 83% of non-life GWP).
In terms of paid claims, the aggregate value was ~EUR 1.1 billion, of which about EUR 297 million - life indemnities, EUR 379 million - payments related to health insurance contracts, and EUR 272 million - motor classes payments (MTPL and MoD, summed up).
At the end of September 2019, in terms of GWP, Slovenia's largest insurer was Zavarovalnica TRIGLAV with a 26.56% market share - the equivalent of ~EUR 505.42 million in GWP followed by Zavarovalnica SAVA (17.72% market share) and health insurer VZZ (Vzajemna zdravstvena zavarovalnica) - 12.78% market share.