Serbian insurers take action to support customers and community during the COVID-19 pandemic

16 April 2020 — Daniela GHETU
Serbian insurers are playing an active role in the general effort of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, both by supporting at their best their customers and providing financial contributions for the medical effort of fighting the epidemic.

Companies as Millennium Insurance, Wiener Stadtische Insurance, UNIQA or DUNAV are providing special services and support addressing the needs of their customers aged 65+, such as deferred premium payments until the end of the state of emergency, extended deadlines foe claims reporting, delivery of the necessary documents to the clients' home address without any extra costs.

Such services are extended in some cases also towards other categories of customers, specially for those that are experiencing health problems or are unable to return to Serbia because of the traveling restrictions. For example, Millennium Insurance and Sava are offering deferred payment facilities to customers who have lost their work income or are under coronavirus treatment etc. Grawe, Wiener Stadtische Insurance or Generali have given a special consideration to customers that unable to return to the country by enabling the extension of the travel insurance policy. Also, Wiener Stadtische Insurance, Uniqa and Generali are providing extended coverage for COVID-19 to different categories of customers with life insurance policies, including collective life and bank credit insurance policies.

In a general effort of protecting also their employees, most Serbian insurers have adopted different work from home solutions and have implemented safety measures in the offices that still remained opened.

Finally, Serbian insurers have also joined their forces to help the medical effort. The Serbian Insurers Association donated funds for the procurement of the necessary medical equipment to combat the virus. The donation of the Association of Insurers of Serbia was assisted by members of the Association - Danube, Generali, DDOR, Wiener Stadtische, Grawe, Uniqa, Triglav, Sava, AMS Insurance, Millennium, Globos, Mercury, OTP Insurance and Sogaz. Moreover, DDOR Insurance donated a total of RSD 11,000,000 to help the republican and provincial institutions, as well as the City of Novi Sad, while UNIQA Insurance donated 5 million dinars for the purchase of respirators and other necessary medical equipment. UNIQA implemented financial assistance to support the Serbian health system in cooperation with the Republican Health Insurance Fund. GRAWE also participated in the donation of funds used for the procurement of respirators, tests for corona virus, reagents, medical and other equipment needed for the duration of the epidemic, which involved three aircraft.

Note: the above article is based on information collected from the Serbian press, thus examples listed may not be complete.