Slovene largest health insurer appointed new head

25 March 2024 — Andrei VICTOR

The Supervisory Board of the Slovene health insurer Vzajemna Insurance Company appointed Matija Senk as the new Chairman of the Management Board, wrote here. His mandate started on March 1st.

Matija Senk is a member of the Supervisory Board of SID bank. In the past, he was a member of the Management Board of Adriatic Slovenica and a member of the Management Board of Generali Slovenia later an advisor to the Management Board of Generali Slovenia.

At the same time, Alja Markovic Cas was elected as new Member of the Board and will begin her mandate after obtaining the AZN permit.

The newly appointed Chairman and Board Member replaced Ales Mikeln and Neven Cvitanovic, whose mandate ended on March 1.

"I am delighted to accept the challenge of managing Vzajemna. I sincerely believe that, on solid and sound foundations, we will be able to continue in the next period our good work", said Matija Senk, adding that the insurance company maintains stability and high capital adequacy even after the abolition of complementary health insurance in January. He added that, the main goal is to maintain Vzajemna as first choice on the market among providers of additional health insurance.