

Location map
author: OCHA/ ReliefWeb

- Central Europe, eastern Alps bordering the Adriatic Sea;
- Neighbours: Italy, Austria, Hungary, Croatia.

- Mediterranean climate on the coast, continental climate with mild to hot summers and cold winters in the plateaus and valleys to the east.

Natural hazards:
- flooding;
- earthquakes.

Macro indicators
* 2018 estimates
Pop. density*:102.1people/km2
GDP*:45.9EUR billion

European Union:
EU member, since 2004

Currency: Euro
Code: EUR
Since: 2007

Insurance market portfolio
* 2018 estimates
Overall Property*:12%
Overall Motor*:23%



Slovenian insurers paid almost EUR 850 million for weather damage throughout the last 15 years

Between 2006 and 2020, compensations paid by Slovenian insurers for damagse caused by natural disasters amounted to EUR 850 million, the Slovenian Agency for Insurance Supervision said. Damages to real estate account for the largest share of the compensations paid, followed by damage to cars.
Looking back, the highest compensations were paid in 2008. In the whole year, insurance companies paid out almost EUR 140 million euros for damages caused by natural disasters. Rainfall with hail and strong gusts of wind on 15 and 16 August 2008 resulted in the highest compensation paid for an individual event, which amounted to almost EUR 85 million.

STATISTICS: Slovenian insurers’ business expanded to EUR 825 million

The Slovenian insurance market totaled EUR 825.3 billion at the end of March 2023, an 8.3% increase y-o-y, according to the Slovenian Insurance Association's quarterly figures. Life insurance GWP posted a negative subunit rate of -0.2% y-o-y to EUR 197.3 million, while the general insurance segment increased by 11.2% y-o-y to EUR 628 million - or 76.1% of total GWP.

Registration open for the "Artificial intelligence in insurance - evolution or revolution?" Conference in Ljublijana

What does artificial intelligence mean for the human role in insurance? Will artificial intelligence replace some traditional professions? Will it replace the agent, loss assessor and actuary? The topic is on the agenda of the upcoming conference entitled "Artificial intelligence in insurance - evolution or revolution?", that will take place in Ljublijana, at the Grand Hotel Union.

Triglav Group, Q1 2023: increasing business volume, but lower profitability due to the difficult economic context

In Q1 2023, the Triglav Group increased its total business volume to EUR 484.6 million (+9% y-o-y) and generated EUR 18.5 million in profit before tax (-37% y-o-y). Results were affected by the more challenging business conditions accompanied by the effects of inflation, higher claim intensity, a lower health insurance result and the effects of methodological decisions in the transition to IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 accounting standards.

STATISTICS: Slovenia: insurers' FY 2022 business increased to almost EUR 2.8 billion

The Slovenian insurance market totaled EUR 2.79 billion at the end of 2022, a 7% increase y-o-y, according to the Slovenian Insurance Association's year-end figures. Life insurance GWP increased by 3.12% y-o-y to EUR 770 million, while the general insurance segment increased by 8.5% y-o-y to EUR 2.02 billion - or 72.5% of total GWP.

Zavarovalnica Triglav has a new BoD member

Slovene Zavarovalnica Triglav informed, that on 2 March 2023 Blaz Jakic assumed the office on the Management Board of Zavarovalnica Triglav for the five-year term of office.


Slovenian insurers reported GWP up by 4.62% y-o-y in 1H2022, to EUR 1.48 billion. The absolute trend setter was the non-life segment which saw a 6.3% GWP growth rate, to EUR 1.08 billion, while the life insurance segment remained, overall, at the 1H2021 GWP level, of EUR 393.6 million. Yet, one should notice that the Unit-Linked products line was the one which, by recording a 7.6% premiums growth, has offset the negative trend seen on the traditional life insurance lines. Paid claims went up by about 11,67%, to EUR 906 million, mostly driven by the health insurance line.

AM Best affirms "A" ratings on Save Re; outlook stable

Following its regular annual rating review, the rating agency AM Best (Agency) affirmed the financial strength rating of Sava Re of "A" (Excellent) and its long-term issuer credit rating of "a" (Excellent), both with a stable outlook, the Slovenian reinsurer said.

STATISTICS: Slovenian insurance market posted slight y-o-y increase in GWP to EUR 2.6 bn

The Slovenian insurance market totaled EUR 2.60 billion at the end of 2021, a 1.5% increase y-o-y, according to the Slovenian Insurance Association's year-end figures. Life insurance GWP posted a negative rate of -1.2% y-o-y to EUR 740 million, while the general insurance segment increased by 2.7% y-o-y to EUR 1.87 billion - or 71.63% of total GWP.

Europ Assistance acquires Call 365 to create EA Slovenia

Europ Assistance (EA), a subsidiary of the Generali Group, announced the acquisition of Slovenia-based company Call 365. Call 365 has been operating as Europ Assistance exclusive partner in Slovenia for 3 years, providing roadside and travel assistance services to Slovenian customers and travelers to Slovenia.

STATISTICS: Slovenian market exceeds EUR 2 bn at end-September 2021

The Slovenian insurance market totaled EUR 2.03 billion in the first nine months of 2021, a 3.29% increase y-o-y, according to the Slovenian Insurance Association's Q3 report. In terms of paid claims, the aggregate value was ~EUR 1.18 billion, of which about EUR 387 million - life indemnities and EUR 803 million - payments related to non-life insurance sub-classes.