The car fleet of the country in December 2018 was composed of 54.2% cars, 16.4% small trucks, 14% motorcycles, 8.3% tractors, 3.7% trucks, 2.1% minibuses, 1% buses and 0.3% special purpose vehicles.
The average age of cars was 13.4 years. The oldest found type of vehicle, with an average age of 23.2 years, were tractors, followed by trucks, with a 15.9 average, and minibuses, with 13.1.
The most common engine size of the vehicles was between 1501-1600 cubic centimeters (cc) in 43.9% of cases, followed by the 1401-1500 cc category with a share of 26.8%. The least common category, with only 0.9% share, was the 2001 cc and above motor size classes.
In the Turkish insurance market, motor insurance segments are a large business branch (especially MTPL insurance), keeping a share of more than a third of the whole insurance industry.
For a more detailed presentation of the country's car fleet, you can access the official press release of The Statistical Institute, here.