TURKEY: The number of registered vehicles increased 2.91% by the end of 2018

21 February 2019 —
According to official statistics published by The Turkish Statistical Institute, at the end of 2018 there were 22,865,921 road motor vehicles registered in Turkish territory, an increase of 646,976 units (a +2.91% change) from 2017.

The car fleet of the country in December 2018 was composed of 54.2% cars, 16.4% small trucks, 14% motorcycles, 8.3% tractors, 3.7% trucks, 2.1% minibuses, 1% buses and 0.3% special purpose vehicles.

The average age of cars was 13.4 years. The oldest found type of vehicle, with an average age of 23.2 years, were tractors, followed by trucks, with a 15.9 average, and minibuses, with 13.1.

The most common engine size of the vehicles was between 1501-1600 cubic centimeters (cc) in 43.9% of cases, followed by the 1401-1500 cc category with a share of 26.8%. The least common category, with only 0.9% share, was the 2001 cc and above motor size classes.

In the Turkish insurance market, motor insurance segments are a large business branch (especially MTPL insurance), keeping a share of more than a third of the whole insurance industry.

For a more detailed presentation of the country's car fleet, you can access the official press release of The Statistical Institute, here.