Triglav Group to merge its health insurer with the Group's parent company

7 May 2024 — Andrei VICTOR
Slovene re/insurer Triglav Group announced in a statement posted on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange web-site -the merger of its health insurer - Triglav Zdravstvena zavarovalnica with the Triglav Group's parent company.

“Zavarovalnica Triglav hereby provides information about the merger process of Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica with Zavarovalnica Triglav, the Triglav Group's parent company. The merger facilitates the simplified and optimised of the Group's operations in the Health segment within the Slovenian market following the termination of supplemental health insurance.

The Group's strategic ambitions in the Health segment remain unchanged. Health insurance products and related services continue to be one of the key development segments, which, together with other segments, represent one of the Group's long-term competitive advantages, i.e. comprehensive management of clients throughout their entire lifetime. The Group ensures this by offering all types of insurance in all its key markets and building on this with assistance services.”