In the near future will be launched a new player on the insurance market of Turkmenistan, informed the local media. The company name will be ATIYACLANDYRYS Hyzmatlary ("Insurance Services"), and will have the following local entities as shareholders: TURKMENGAS (25%% stake in share capital as a founder), TURKMENISTAN Airlines (with a share of 15% of the authorized capital) and State Insurance of Turkmenistan (with a share of 10%).
23 August 2012
In 2011 the gross premium written in Turkmenistan was of EUR 45.7 million, 15% more as compared to a year before. By insurance classes, voluntary segment predominated and represented 95% of total, a hardly usual situation for CIS Region. Looking at the past results, one should notice that the insurance market increased six times in last five years. Responsible for the development of the insurance industry is "the only one" company that operates: TURKMEN GOSSTRAKH which can be translated into "State Insurance Organization of Turkmenistan".
10 May 2012