UKRAINE: in 2021, MTPL insurers settled a record number of claims from victims of road accidents

22 March 2022 —
According to the MTIBU (Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine), in 2021, the number of concluded MTPL contracts amounted to 9 million units, which means a y-o-y increase of 12.7%, and GWP volume reached UAH 7.2 billion (+17.2%)/~EUR 0.23 billion*, the Bureau reports.

MTPL insurers settled a record number of claims - 173.4 thousand claims, while a year earlier their number was only 140 thousand (+17.9% y-o-y). The amount of paid claims increased by 28% to UAH 3.6 billion.

The number of claims settled under the European Accident Statement increased by 24.1%, while the amount of paid claims here increased by 33.5% to UAH 672 million. Thus, the share of claims settled under the European Accident Statement in the total number of MTPL claims amounted to 36%, and in the total amount of paid claims - 18.4%.

In 2021, Ukrainian car owners actively purchased MTPL policies in electronic form. The number of e-policies amounted to 4.5 million units, which is half of the total number of MTPL contracts. GWP under electronic contracts in 2021 exceeded UAH 3 billion.

*1 EUR = 30.9226 UAH (as of Dec 31, 2021)