According to VIG, the new app a"llows motor vehicle insurance customers to access valuable services and information and it also promotes responsible driving. The higher the driving score, the more the customer can save on insurance premiums".
The first telematics tariff is offered by Kooperativa, a VIG company based in the Czech Republic.
"By offering customers a telematics app, we are taking yet another step forward in offering digital services that provide valuable additional benefits", explains Elisabeth Stadler, CEO of Vienna Insurance Group.
For the new service offering, VIG is collaborating with the Austrian company Dolphin Technologies, which has established itself as a specialist in telematics solutions and was responsible for developing the app. The app can be used on its own, without installing a device in the car.
The first VIG Group customers to have access to the new digital service will be customers of the Czech VIG company Kooperativa.
The "Koopilot" app is available to customers free of charge. Once per quarter, customers will have the chance to recoup between 10% and 40% of the insurance premiums paid in the form of cashback.