STATISTICS: Slovakia: SLASPO's members 2022 GWP expanded to over EUR 2.60 billion

2 March 2023 —
STATISTICS: Slovakia: SLASPO's members 2022 GWP expanded to over EUR 2.60 billion
According to the quarterly market data published by SLASPO (Slovak Insurance Association), at the end of 2022, total GWP from the members of the association totaled EUR 2.60 billion, up by 4.50% y-o-y.

Premiums written in life insurance decreased by 2.05% y-o-y to EUR 1.04 billion, while non-life segment was up by 9.39% y-o-y to EUR 1.56 billion.

In terms of GWP, the largest life insurers in the country were KOOPERATIVA VIG (EUR 312.46 million), Allianz-Slovenska (EUR 201.28 million) and Generali Poistovna (EUR 122.40 million).

Top 3 in non-life insurance was formed by Allianz-Slovenska (EUR 464.28 million), KOOPERATIVA VIG (EUR 327.26 million) and Generali Poistovna (EUR 209.32 million).

Access and download the FY2022 Slovak insurance market statistics released by SLASPO.