ARMENIA: At the end of 3Q2024, profit from investment activities barely maintained double-digit growth

19 November 2024 — Marina MAGNAVAL
At the end of 3Q2024, against the backdrop of deteriorating premium dynamics, insurers' profit from investment activities barely maintained double-digit growth, while the pace slowed significantly from 36.5% to 15.5%, ArmInfo reports.

Current assets and liabilities saw equally weak growth of 4% y-o-y. The structure of current liabilities is dominated by liabilities under insurance contracts, although their share decreased over the year from 38% to 34%, the share of insurance reserves also decreased - from 22% to 20%, but the share of borrowed funds increased - from 22% to 37%. Current assets are dominated by financial investments (securities, government bonds, deposits and loans in banks) - over 86% (vs 76% a year ago).

The annual dynamics of accumulated profit worsened from growth by 17% a year ago to a decline of 12%, thus, its share in equity capital decreased from 32% to 28%. Total charter capital on the insurance market increased by 4% y-o-y, and its share in equity capital increased from last year's 67% to 69%.

The leader in equity and charter capital is LIGA Insurance (USD 18.1 million and USD 11.5 million, respectively), which ranks second in terms of accumulated profit (USD 6.4 million). Nairi Insurance is the leader by accumulated profit (USD 7.3 million). INGO ranks second by equity (USD 13.4 million), and REGO Insurance ranks second by charter capital (USD 7.8 million).