Crotian Insurance brokers’ association joined BIPAR

27 June 2024 — Daniela GHETU
The Insurance and Reinsurance Distributors Association of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK) has become a member of BIPAR (European Federation of Insurance and Financial Intermediaries), informed.

As a member, the Association will be able to participate in all BIPAR activities and contribute to the development of industry positions at the European level.

Membership in BIPAR gives Croatian insurance brokers access to the most recent information, trends, and best practices in the worldwide insurance sector. It also provides the ability to make contacts and share experiences with brokers from various countries, which can help improve business operations and keep up with current business trends.

"I am happy that our Croatian Association is now a member of BIPAR. This is an important step, and we look forward to all the opportunities and collaborations that membership will bring," concluded the Association's president, Anđela Šutija.