From the total amount of GWP, around 97.7% of premium is from non-life insurance while only 2.3% are from life insurance.
Gross claims paid amount for this period arrived in amount of EUR 21 million or 50% more comparing with the same period of previous year.
The level of increase of GWP was mainly as a result of premiums from Third Part Liability (TPL) insurance, while during this period the TPL insurance has increased its participation in total GWP with 73% (June, 2012 - 69%).
For the above mentioned period, total assets of insurance industry arrived at EUR 130.1 million or 8.3% more comparing with same period of previous year. From the total assets, around 62% is from cash and cash equivalents (2012: 67%), 22% from current assets (2012: 20%) and 15% from fix assets (2012: 13%).
Courtesy to the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo - BQK
Access and download the 1H2013 Kosovo insurance market statistics.
Market portfolio (in EUR and BGN):
- Gross written premiums
- Paid claims
- Growth rates